Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Reasons for Seasons Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reasons for Seasons - Essay Example The misconception by many people has always been that differences in seasons come about as a result of differences in the earth’s distance relative to the sun. The belief is that at certain times the distance between the earth and sun is wide and sometimes the two bodies are closer to one another. This seems to make sense since the nearer the sun the warmer it gets and the far from the sun the icy it gets. The truth is that the earth revolves around the sun in a circle that is almost perfect and hence there are no significance changes in terms of how far the earth is relative to the sun. Also North America experiences summer at the time when the South is experiencing winter. While spinning on the axis to yield days and nights, the earth also revolves in a circular orbit around the sun which takes 364 Â ¼ days or one year. The spin axis of the earth tilts with respect to the plane of its orbit and this is responsible for seasons. When the axis of the earth is pointed directly towards the sun then that particular hemisphere experiences summer and winter comes about when the axis is pointed away from the sun. The hemisphere tilting in the sun’s direction gets warmer as sunlight will travel directly to the surface of the earth and less of it scatters to the atmosphere. The hemisphere tilting in the direction of the sun also receives longer days as compared to nights hence during summer there are longer days than the winter days. All the other planets experience seasons but they markedly differ from what is traditionally seen on earth i.e., summer, spring, winter and fall. This is because the other planets have orbits which are more elliptical. Mercury for instance witnesses the most peculiar conditions; it makes three rotations in every two years and the eccentricity of its orbits has odd effects. Mars is the planet with orbit eccentricity that is highest and has a greater axial tilt than earth’s hence great seasonal

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Architecture and spaces influencing human being to socialize

Architecture and spaces influencing human being to socialize Sociology is the understanding of the human society, which this essay is forcing more towards the sociology among family members. Moving on into studies to explore the various solutions on how things around the context of a family can feed off each other. Things like spatial qualities that will affect the familys social interaction. Exploring into different avenues in the design contexts like the balances between the private and public spaces within a home to solve the issue of bonding and interaction. An in-dept analysis of a few different case studies, local and international will to help understand and broaden the perspective of the various practical techniques on how this few designers explore the spatial quality to prove the point that spatiality do plays a part in the social interaction among family members. Therefore the main objective is to express the point that sociology is the aim and the dream of reviving once more the closeness, warmness and most harmonious type of socia lization bond between family members. The main definition of sociology is a series of development; structure and a functioning of understanding the human society. Therefore from the understanding of the word, looking into the various possibility of the definition, expanding into sub issues that will lead back to sociology. One of them is social problem, problems that occur in society around us no matter being in a big or small society. The reason for this problem to occur is due to the fact that each individual member of a society in this case focusing more into the family circle group, that lives close enough together will have conflicts. It is virtually impossible to avoid having conflicts among close family member who are staying together in the same house. They do not always get along seamlessly as each individual has their own unique character. From this sector it is important to acknowledge that social problems will affect the social interaction within the family society. Hence social interaction is another possibi lity section that will lead back to sociology. The in-depth studies of the importance of social interaction will be illustrated in the next part of this essay. But in the mean time from these two various possible issues in sociology, conclusion can be made that sociology is the aim and the dream of reviving once more the closeness, warmness and most harmonious type of socialization bond between family members. From this conclusion further studies will be made to explore the various solution on how other things around the context of a family can feed off each other. Things like spatial qualities that will affect the familys social interaction. Exploring into different avenues in the design contexts like the balances between the private and public spaces within a home to solve the issue of bonding and interaction. Moving on further into the essay studies will be made on a few different case studies, local and international. These case studies will to help understand and broaden the pe rspective of the various practical techniques on how this few designers explore the spatial quality to prove the point that spatiality do plays a part in the social interaction among family members. Allowing the family to socialize without being intermitted. Theories will be presented to support the study of how spatiality is blend with sociology. Therefore this essay will elaborated the in-depth understanding of a few key points that will help achieve the main objective for a closeness, warmness and harmonious family lifestyle in a home. Sociology The term social interaction refers to particular forms of externalities, in which the actions of the family members affect an individuals preferences. Therefore, the observation of large differences in outcomes is the balance between the interpersonal dynamics and the home environment. It is critical to organize the effectiveness of interaction that happens among the family member. From this many of social interactions exhibit strategic complementarities, which occur when the marginal utility to one person of undertaking an action is increasing with the average amount of the action taken by one family member. Consequently, a change in fundamentals has a direct effect on behavior and an indirect effect of the same sign. The direct effect on behavior will change toward the direct change in fundamentals. Although the family is made up of a group of very like-mindful people, there are still certain ways to control the functionality of the family and the behaviors within them, which make individual family distinguishable from others. In the case the head of the family will of course be the father following with the mother second, as a partner they are to set a good example in their sociality among each other so that the childrens at home will also be influence by their action and behavior, sometime unknowingly. Therefore, the father as the head of the family is the one who keeps order by setting rules and enforcing on them. Hence if a family does not have the sociality quality in their values it will have a chain reaction in their behavior, leading the family to face more sociology problems causing their behavior to influence other society out there being in their working environment or their friends in schools. Social interaction can also seen in the way of which it is an action that will lead up to a reaction. It is not only a one-way traffic but it takes two parties to work holistically together to achieve the successful outcome. There are sustain hierarchy withi n the family society and each family member has his or her societal roles to play. There is some ideal issue that the family should study or know. They should distinguish between the understanding of a correlation of the individual characteristics within the family society, to the influences of the society that occur outside the boundaries of the home allow the family to recognize the key traits that from their own unique family society. Therefore, Bott (1957: 99) argues that the immediate social environment of urban families are best considered, not as the local area in which they live, but rather as the network of actual social relational maintain, regardless of whether these are confined to the local area or run beyond its boundaries. From this argument maintaining an active social interaction within the family help balance a healthy social relationship among individual family members. Hence is will also decrease the tension in the interaction of matters in their socialization b ring together a number of elements such as solidarity, commitment, mutuality and trust. By having this healthy social relationship, no boundaries will be generated, allowing them to have the two-way traffic of interaction. Another point that will help maintain this healthy social relationship is the physical spatial environment. Form the research that was made, physical spatial environment do play a part in determining the interaction with social space that will affect the humans social behaviors and the ability of a social individual to influence others. These spatial elements such as the buffer zones between the private and general space, surveillance within the family and shares the common pathways that affect the social interaction in the house. These buffer zones are flexible to change over the physical function such, as it can be a formal social interaction area or an informal one. On the other hand segregation of spaces can also be a part of a family that from this separation they will function better as a whole. There are some activities that individuals will be far more comfortable performing them in their own space. As Schelling [1978] demonstrated that when an individual can chose the location and the presence of these interactions. Results in segregation across spaces may occur, even in situation where the typical individual would be content to live in integrated space, which in this solution are their own individual rooms. Therefore, to my opinion a statement can be made that spatial quality does influence the social behaviors unknowingly. Design Behavior comes to mind as a recurrent theme in our interests, overlapping concerns such as the architecture expression and their complexity of the relationship that capital and generational change. Hence, it is an attempt to understand the patterns and influence of the transformation of behavior over time. Behavior could also be the central to a hypothesis, which is the understanding of the correlations between the human life, nature and the built environment. Each individual building can be viewed as a sentient creature, endowed with their own unique intelligence and a defining set of living characteristics. Analyzing the input from research, physical design does influence social interaction in a static way by some of these factors. Firstly, is the informal social factor, factor that focus on the social dynamic that is the relationship between individuals and individual in groups. Secondly, is the formal social factor, which is the management of communal spaces that allows interaction to occur. Thirdly, the personal factors that is the pro-community and the pro-socializing attitude with similar values and norms. Lastly, the physical design factors, which is the density of proximity. The division of spaces that has a buffering zone between the private and general spaces, the shared pathways is one for the factor that affects social interaction among family members. Another factor is the communal spaces that have the quality and accessibility to allow family member to come together as one to have common activities together with out feeling intimidated. Therefore, how the family members perceive and understand the physical environment can determine the frequency and quality of their social interaction. The psychosocial buffer zone between individuals and the physical environment plays an important role in determining how the interaction unfolds. The social interaction and the layout of space reciprocally influence each other. The plan is the generator that has order and willfulness; it also holds itself the essence of sensation. The mass and surfaces are elements by which architecture manifests itself. Therefore, the mass and surfaces are determined by the plan. The plan is at its basis. As Le Courbusier quote Without plan there can be neither grandeur of aim and expression, nor rhythm, nor mass, nor coherence. Therefore the plan is calls for the most active imagination and the critical discipline too. What determines everything is the plan as the among of interaction the family will achieve or the social problems that the family will face. Therefore, to make a plan is to determine the main objective and fix ideas. Looking at the Schroeder house for inspiration, it is a house that perfectly demonstrates how spaces could help bring family member together to share and have their social interaction bond. It is a house, which have the plan-less idea that has been a very powerful idea in the development of architecture since modernism. The transformable and plan-less idea allows a logical way of working whereby the members are either all having their private spaces of they are all gathered in to one common space. The study of the plan informed us that is can be achieved by simply having partitions, that can be moved in a manner such that the spaces could only make sense when every family member is having the same kind of privacy level. From this way of planning it will increase the social interaction among member in the family, as they are unknowingly focus to work and interact in a common space. The balance between the common spaces that is open incorporates the focus point of the main house. The expression of openness and closeness can also be achieved through the careful alignment of furniture with the help of openings and walls. Furniture acts as a jig, positioning the human body to react, while sharing the same space together. It supports and encourages social interaction by the arrangement in space to remove barriers between family members. It is also good to have the design element such as blurring the boundaries between the human life, nature and the built environment. Case Studies Local Looking all the back into history on the planning of the traditional kampong houses in Singapore, how they are layout as a community to maximum the social interaction among families living there. The kampong were layout in the way where they will have a common areas in which people gathered, mixed around and spend time with each other. Spaces flow into each other freely with few boundaries or obstructions. The kampong with no physical barriers allows a flexibility in accommodate two or more needs of extending when needed, which is not available in our modern housing estate today. Studying in-depth for the interior layout of a kampong enable us to see that the architecture plays with a lot of voids, opening and have an open plan with minimum partition. This self-drawn diagram is my analysis of a kampong house. The house can be broken down into three sectors. First sector acts as a transition space between the open public and private sectors. It is also the sector where the family will entertain their guests. The second sector will be the private area where all the private family activities happen. The living area is a common open area where family members are able to see the movement of each other. Lastly will the kitchen, the reason of having a bridge that separate the living area and the kitchen is because the kitchen is often used by the womans community as a space where they can chat and socialize therefore the bridge is there to set the boundaries for the public. The kitchen is also a semi-private area because there is a second entrance from the back to access to the house. From this analysis, we can see that the layout of a typical kampong house has a clear hierarchy system that segregates the public zone and the private livi ng area. We can adapt a few key points from this study, the hierarchy system and the open plan that they have. Moving on to the study of our modern HDB flats. HDB was first development to replace the kampong living style in February 1960. The reason for doing so was Singapore was facing an acute housing shortage at that period of time. Therefore, the government decided to build HDB units for the low-income group of people. Through the years residences had to adapt to the emphasis of the housing program, the shifted from quantity of housing to quantity of life. Studying the typical interior layout of a modern HDB allows me to understand better why family now a day space lesser social interaction time with each other. The reason is that the spaces within a house layout is clearly defined by solid walls which break the visual connect that is an important part that allows social interaction to happen. The percentage of the common area in the house is always lower than the percentage compared to the individual private space. But however, common corridor does exist in some HDB units but the functio n of it seems to just be a connector to the private spaces rather then a space where family members interact. Is there a problem with the size of the corridors, giving the prescription as just a path for walkway and not a space to interact? Comparing this two local case studies, the traditional kampong house to our modern HDB flats we can see that the quantity of living is different. As for the modern house, we have family members that are all separated from one another by walls, which discourage interaction and by not interacting family member will lose the healthy socialization values. Compared to the traditional kampong layout where they have an open living and common space where visualization are not broken among family members. International Case Studies The project for a brick country house done by Mies Van de Rohe in 1923 demonstrates the idea of using walls to divide the space but does not go as far as to divide them off into rooms. By doing this it suggests spatial divisions by setting up relationship with the site from within. On the other hand, his Barcelona Pavilion of 1929, uses walls as the element to set up views and suggest spaces but they are not dividing the space as the whole pavilion is open-air. Compared to the Schroder House that as built in 1924, by Gerrit Rietvield. Different method has been used to demonstrate the plan-less theory. In this case, all the main services are positioned on the perimeter of the house and next to them are retracted sliding partitions, which can be pulled out to divide the spaces into rooms. Such as the space acquires more possibilities, compared to when the screens are close, there is no one name to label the spaces. However, these walls provide only a certain amount of prescribed flexib ility. If these walls are completely independent of the structure, the moveable walls will become screens, which is essentially furniture. Therefore, western architecture has various ways and method to tackle the issue of social interaction. The freedom within the layout of the interior allows ways to alter to ones needs hence it is adaptable to the engender bonding between the occupants and the building through continuous physical involvement. By doing this the interaction level within the family can be adjustable to the function that is formed at anytime opening up the partition to allow each family member to remain the visual connect that will allow social interaction to happen. Not knowing focusing them to start a conversation as there is isnt any physical wall. Interestingly enough in Japan, the Japanese traditional house takes on an entirely different attitude to spatial division and living pattern. While planned as the same meaning as the Western architecture, walls do not. In a typical Japanese screened house, the rooms other than the service rooms have on one purpose. Within these the functions takes on the meaning of the activity that is performed and their functions can be changeable with the activities. Quoted from Nishihara explanation of the difference of the Western thinking compared to the Japanese thinking is the Western thinks in terms of function and makes his rooms accordingly, whereas the Japanese simply set up zones. In Japan, when it is time for dining, a portable table and food will be brought out; when its working time a writing desk will be taken out; and when it is time for bed, bedding that are typically stored in the cupboard will be unrolled and rolled back to be stored in the morning. Leaving the space to be purpos eless and multi-purpose at once. From these two case studies, we can see the how two different cultures approach the understanding of an open-less plan concept. Here is an illustration of the comparison diagram between the Japanese concept and the western concept. Image taken from, Works Cited Bibliography Work Cited

Friday, October 25, 2019

Indian Community Concerns About Teenage Drinking :: essays papers

Indian Community Concerns About Teenage Drinking Homelessness, condition of people who lack regular legal access to housing. Homelessness has been recognized as a significant social problem in the United States since the early 1980s, when an increase in the number of homeless people was caused by a weak economy and cuts in federal aid for housing and income assistance. Other periods of increased homelessness also have occurred many times in history, including during the colonial era. Most other industrialized societies also have experienced increases in homeless populations in recent decades. The number of homeless people in the United States has been an arguable issue for a while. Advocates for the homeless claim that there are several million homeless people; however, recent studies suggest that the homeless number from 600,000 to 700,000. Exact numbers are impossible to collect because researchers define homelessness in different ways and because the homeless are transitory. The number of people predicted to become homeless in any given year is estimated to be three to five times the number of people who are homeless at any given moment. The US Census Bureau attempted to count homeless people in the 1990 census. However, most people consider this attempt as a failure. The homeless population is largely made up of adult men, but the number of women, children, and youth has steadily increased. This group now comprises more than 40 percent of the total homeless population. Most homeless people are also extremely poor and separated from their families and other social networks. About one-third of the adult homeless are chronically mentally ill, and about half are alcoholic or abuse drugs. During the 1950s, most homeless people were older, white, alcoholic men associated with the rundown sections of cities known as skid rows. Today's homeless, however, are mostly non-white; relatively young, with an average age in the middle 30s; and include a large number of women and children. About one-third of homeless men are veterans. In addition to the homeless population, even larger numbers are considered â€Å"marginally housed†; they are in danger of becoming homeless because of poverty or unavailable housing. About half the nation's poor households spend 70 percent or more of their monthly income on housing, which puts them at risk of becoming homeless if faced with an economic problem. Because the number of people living in poverty numbers some 37 million, the marginally housed would amount to nearly 20 million people, creating the potential for a vast increase in the size of the homeless population. Those who are housed only because they have been able to stay with

Thursday, October 24, 2019

What Is Diabetes Type 1 Health And Social Care Essay

Type 1 Diabetes, which can be used to be called juvenile oncoming or Insulin-Dependent Diabetess Mellitus ( IDDM ) and normally appears during childhood, teenage old ages, or early maturity. It is an autoimmune disease, intending that the immune system has mistaken its ain pancreas for foreign tissue and destroys the pancreatic cells that produce insulin, which is a endocrine. As a consequence, people with Type 1 Diabetes produce about no insulin ( 1 ) . Furthermore, IDDM is largely inherited by the parent cell as the research said if you have a household member with Type 1 Diabetes, your hazard is approximately five to six per centum, compared to the hazard in general population which is 0.4 % ( 2 ) . Diabetes was the 7th prima cause of decease listed on U.S. decease certifications in 2006. This ranking is based on the 72,507 decease certifications in 2006 in which diabetes was listed as the underlying cause of decease ( 3 ) . Therefore, are at that place any possible solutions to g et the better of this job? Neuropathic ulcer may show on the pess of diabetic people. Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: // ( 178 WORDS ) A POSSIBLE Solution Insulin pump therapy Alpha cell secrete glucagon Raises glucose degree Islet cell of the pancreas Beta cell secrete glucagon Lowers glucose degree In the Islet cell of pancreas, Beta cell makes insulin. When immune system destroys beta cell, insulin can non be produced. As a consequence the cells in our organic structures will non be able to treat the glucose and hence have no energy for motion ( 6 ) . Furthermore, the glucose is unable to be transferred from blood stream to the cells and the glucose degrees in the blood will be higher than normal. Hence, insulin pump therapy is needed to get the better of this job. ( 283 WORDS ) Insulin pump is a little mechanical device, a small larger than a beeper that is worn outside the organic structure, frequently on a belt or in a pocket. It delivers insulin into the organic structure via an extract set which is injected beneath the tegument at the extract site ( 7 ) . Nipro Diabetes Systems Amigo OmniPod Insulin Management System Nipro Diabetes Systems Amigo OmniPod Insulin Management System Examples of insulin pump. Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: // Graph 1 shows the age distribution at the clip of diagnosing for members of the Insulin Pumpers. Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: // From graph 1, we can see that most of the users of pumpers are kids and adolescents. About 1119 insulin pumpers have been recorded until 25th of December 2009, which shows a great figure of populations that had been infected with this disease. ( 407 WORDS ) Over the old ages, a figure of different types and trade names of insulin have been developed to run into different demands.TypeBrand NameOnsetExtremumDurationRemarksFast playing Humalog Novolog 5 – 15 proceedingss 45 – 90 proceedingss 3 – 4 hours Human The fastest-acting insulin available Intermediate moving Humulin L Humulin N Novolin L Novolin N 1 – 3 hours 6 – 12 hours 20 – 24 hours Human Long moving Humulin U 4-6 hours 18-28 hours 28 hours Human Normally used in combination with a faster-acting insulin to supply proper control at mealtimes Ultra-long moving Lantus 1.1 hours No extremum Changeless concentration over 24 hours Human Injected one time day-to-day at bedtime Mixtures Humulin 50/50 Humulin 70/30 Novolin 70/30 Humalog Mix 75/25 Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies The Numberss refer to per centum of NPH ( 1st figure ) and regular ( 2nd figure ) Available in phials, pen-fill cartridges, and prefilled panpipes 75 % NPL ( a new NPH preparation ) and 25 % lispro ; available in disposable pen. Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: // The end of insulin pump therapy is to copy the insulin secernment form which can be seen in people without diabetes. Normally there are two form of insulin release: Basal insulin or background insulin which is continuously released from the beta cells and regulates the glucose production from liver. Bolus insulin, which is insulin released in response to nutrient and controls the glucose alterations after repasts ( 2 ) . There are four types of bolus form which can assist the pumpers to find what is best for any given nutrient and by accommodating the bolus form to their demands, it will better control of blood sugar. Standard bolus.JPGExtended bolus.JPG Combo bolus.JPGSuper bolus.JPGSource: hypertext transfer protocol: // All the graphs show the bolus form in order to find what the best nutrient is should be taken in order to better control of blood sugar. The standard bolus people should take low protein and low fat repasts while extended bolus diabetic covering high fat high protein repasts such as steak, which will be raising blood sugar for many hours past the oncoming of the bolus. Furthermore, those who have combination bolus is appropriate for high fat repasts such as pizza and cocoa bar but the ace bolus people must take certain nutrients ( like sugary breakfast cereals ) which cause a big post-prandial extremum of blood sugar. It attacks the blood sugar extremum with the fastest bringing of insulin that can be practically achieved by pumping. SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC IMPLICATION First and first, after being diagnosed as diabetic, some of them can non accept the fact and take some clip to mourn their loss. Some of them might fell depressed for illustration Katherine G who was diagnosed with diabetes and maintain inquiring what had I done incorrect? And wanted to thwack every overweight individual she saw ( 1 ) . They besides worried about the following coevals as Type 1 Diabetes is inherited and acquire stress believing about the complication of diabetes which cause them to utilize wheelchair because has no pess and besides being wheeled in order to utilize the dialysis machine. They may lose their ego regard to confront the universe. Some might be under force per unit area as they have to be strict on their nutrient consumption as they have to follow the diet for diabetic and they need to take a batch of medical specialty and besides injection. In order to acquire the intervention for diabetes, more money has to be disbursement as the pumpers are high in cost. Diabetes impacting the earning or active member of the household affects non merely that single but might frequently hold important consequence on the household. The economic load of diabetes is increasing as the epidemic grows. As per WHO estimates, diabetes drains a important per centum of the wellness budget by cost towards direct diabetes attention and diabetes related disablements. Diabetess associated complications account for 60 % of diabetes related direct wellness attention costs and about 80-90 % of indirect costs. In India, for illustration, the poorest people with diabetes spend an norm of 25 % of their income on private attention. The most that they can pay for are interventions that keep them alive by blunting the highest, rapidly fatal degrees of blood sugar. In 2007, the universe is estimated to pass at least USD 232 billion to handle and forestall dia betes and its complications. By 2025, this lower-bound estimation will transcend USD 302.5 billion ( 11 ) . BENEFIT AND RISK Advantages BEST hbA1c ‘s before the pumpBEST hbA1c ‘s utilizing the pump The graph shows the hbA1C degree before and after utilizing insulin pump. Beginning: hypertext transfer protocol: // The degree of hbA1C lessenings with an norm of 6.3 after utilizing the insulin pump. So, it can take down the hazard of developing long-run complications for case shot, bosom disease, sightlessness, kidney failure and besides amputation. Pumpers have been shown to see lesser episodes of terrible hypoglycemia than those who take injections, including during the dark. Clinical surveies shown that utilizing fast moving insulin, the glucose control can be improved with less hazard of hypoglycemia. Furthermore, the pumper can maintain up-to-date with their day-to-day agenda. They are flexible to travel and free to make what they want for illustration they can maintain on the pump during exerting in the eventide. Insulin pumpers require an extract set alteration merely approximately three times a hebdomad, or 156 interpolations a twelvemonth but the injection can accomplish mean more than 1,400 injection per twelvemonth. Disadvantages An episode of diabetic diabetic acidosis aa‚ ¬ † province of unequal insulin degrees ensuing in high blood force per unit area and accretion of organic acids and ketones in the blood may take topographic point if the pumpers do non have sufficient sum of fast acting insulin for many hours. There is high hazard of infection if the catheter site of cannula has non been changed every three yearss and besides skin reactions such as roseolas may look at the site of cannula. This therapy is really expensive as pumps are high monetary values. By utilizing insulin therapy, the society might cognize that you have diabetes since this is one of the popular ways to bring around it ( 12 ) . Some of diabetic might develop film overing vision shortly after get downing insulin due to a alteration of lens refraction and it will rectify itself within two to three hebdomads ( 13 ) . ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS Diet for diabetics If diabetes people eat excessively much, diabetic control will deteriorate but if they eat excessively small, leads to hypoglycaemia. Carbohydrate must be taken in little sums for aged and sedentary but in big sum for active people like adolescents. This must be taken at chief repasts illustration breakfast, tiffin and dinner ( 13 ) . When taking on empty tummy, intoxicant can take down down the glucose degree. Diabetics should restrict saccharide in liquid signifier as they are quickly absorbed. Furthermore, they should extinguish all refined sugars and starches and must intake a batch of fibre-rich veggies and fruits in their diet. This is because fibers slow down glucose soaking up and prevent high glucose degrees after repasts. They must take protein and restricted ruddy meats and besides trans-fats. Saturated fats must be reduced and take a batch of bosom healthy mono-saturated fats and omega 3. Exerting Peoples, who exercise on a regular basis, when compared to those who do non exert, diminish their opportunity of developing diabetes by 30 to 50 % . Exercise aid by bettering the bodyaa‚ ¬a„?s to utilize insulin and causes cholesterin degree and blood force per unit area to drop ( 14 ) . Aerobic exercising Burnss Calories to assist in pull offing the weight, beef up the bosom and lungs and gives endurance. In other word, it improves the bodyaa‚ ¬a„?s ability to utilize insulin and prevent diabetes. We must make warm up and chill down earlier and after exerting. Take at least 20 proceedingss and three times a hebdomad to exercising. Furthermore exercising can increase the consumption of glucose by musculuss therefore increase in carbohydrate consumption. We must take adequate saccharide before exerting but overdose of saccharide will consequences in hyperglycemia. As diabetes, insulin must be sufficient before and after exercising because strenuous exercisi ng and deficient insulin will decline diabetic control ( 15 ) . Supplement vitamin and herbs Vitamin E helps fade out fresh coagulum in venas and cut down the O demand of tissue and cell. Furthermore, it besides helps to from new tegument ( in mending the ulcer and Burnss ) and increases the blood supply to weave, therefore reduces diabetes sphacelus and amputations. Vitamin E reduces the demand for insulin in 30 % of diabetes ( 16 ) . Biotin is B vitamin that maps in industry and usage of saccharide, fat and amino acids. It enhances insulin sensitiveness and increase the activity of enzyme glucokinase, enzyme responsible for the first measure in the usage of glucose in liver as this enzyme is low in diabetic. It besides helps in the intervention of diabetic neuropathy ( 17 ) . Evaluation

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Source related work on Prohibition

Both pictures were produced at the beginning of the 20th Century and were probably produced/intended as propaganda. The picture source C was published in the 1910 and was possibly produced by the Anti Saloon League or the Women's Christian Temperance Union. These were pressure groups, which wanted to ban the use of alcohol due to the negative effects of alcohol. Source C is a double picture, a background picture and a foreground picture. It is a double picture to show the two sides of people who get affected by alcohol. The background picture is a saloon and the main characters stand out more than anyone on both pictures. The main characters are the barman and the customer. These are in the middle of the picture to emphasise it. The expression on the barman's face is pleased because he is making a large income whereas the customer's expression looks as if he is inebriated. This shows he has already had a lot to drink and wants more alcohol. The customer is a paying a sack of money to the barman labelled ‘weeks wages' to show many people like him are wasting all their money on booze. This is making him and his family poor. At the top of the picture is a sarcastic phrase â€Å"The poor mans club† which is in big bold writing to stand out to readers. The phrase means that all the men in the club are gradually becoming poor when they go to the saloon bar time after time. The second part of the heading is â€Å"The most expensive in the world to belong to. This is not as big and bold as the phrase but it still makes a very clear point about the saloon. This is that if you go to the saloon, you will be robbed of all your money. The foreground picture is of a very poor women and her young child in a dirty room. She looks deprived and the child seems like he does not know what's happening. The sentence above says â€Å"The saloon is well named ‘The poor mans club' It keeps its members and families always poor.† This is a very effective line, which means the saloons take all your money and keeps you r families poor. The main point of this picture is that drinking and buying alcohol is harming families and this is the emotional part of the picture. This picture is obviously for prohibition and most likely produced by pressure groups. This picture is detailed and aimed at the rich people. Source D is a poster published in 1915. It is a single picture of two children, a girl and a younger boy standing outside a saloon. You can tell this by the swinging doors. At the top of the picture is a bold heading saying â€Å"Daddy's in there† showing that he has left his children to go in the saloon bar. This means that he spends most of his money on alcohol instead of on his family. Underneath the picture says â€Å"And our shoes and stacking and food are in the saloon too, and they'll never come out.† This means that the money spent in the saloon should be used to buy more important things like food and clothes. The girl is aware of what is happening, as she is older whereas the boy is too young to realise what is happening. Immediately from looking at the picture and reading the heading's you can tell it is for prohibition. The picture is bare compared to source C as this is aimed at the poor working people as this poster is more obvious than the other one. This is also an emotional picture but the image is to make you think. At that time the picture had to be basic as the poor people had no education and this poster was ideal for them. Both pictures/posters were published before the time of prohibition, which suggests that they only assume that the outcome would be successful. These posters are made by pressure groups making it more likely that they are biased as not every family where in this situation. Source D is a more realistic than C, but source C is very detailed and obvious whereas D is vague.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

What is Ghostwriting The Master Guide to Succeeding in the Industry

What is Ghostwriting The Master Guide to Succeeding in the Industry What is Ghostwriting? All Your Questions Answered Ghostwriting is when someone is hired to write a project that is credited to another person. A ghostwriter may be the main or partial writer behind a book, but they are not the author. They are hired to carry out the vision of their client, and their main concern is with satisfying that client.While ghostwriting is a profession often associated with celebrity memoirs, some may be surprised to learn that there are many other types of ghostwriting, including:Business booksLifestyles booksBook proposalsSpeechesBlog postsSocial media postsNewslettersAnd more! But before we dive into the meat of the question "what is ghostwriting," we'll answer a question that those in the profession always get asked†¦How is ghostwriting different from co-authoring?A co-author will also - presumably - do some of the writing, but is credited as a partial author. Therefore, the book is also at least partially created under their direction, and a large part of their focus is on their readers.But the t itle "ghostwriter" doesn't just apply to people who write books. Let's take a closer look at the different projects that might require a ghost. What is ghostwriting? And why might someone turn to a ghostwriter? All your questions answered. Types of ghostwriting: long-formNon-fictionIn long-form non-fiction, a ghostwriter can be involved in any number of capacities, from leading and outlining the whole project, to filling in gaps left by the author.Memoirs and autobiographies: We always hear about the importance of taking a step back to see the bigger picture. Well, this is all the more important for memoirs. No one is closer to your own life than you, and to turn your story into a compelling narrative often requires a more impartial contributor. Step right up, ghostwriters! And, of course, there is no ghostwritten memoir more popular than the celebrity kind - in fact, most celebrity memoir are actually written by a ghostwriter commissioned by publishers who know the marketing power of a recognizable name. How to Hire a Ghostwriter – By Andrew Crofts Read post If you’re considering working with a ghostwriter, you should always determine your own budget, consider the above questions, and then be prepared to negotiate. You can learn more about ghostwriting fees in this guest post, How Much Does it Cost to Hire a Ghostwriter? by Andrew Crofts - a ghost and author with more than eighty books (including Sunday Times number one bestsellers) under his belt.Whether you’re considering working with a ghost or you were just curious to hear more about what is ghostwriting, you might have a lingering question: how ethical is this all?Well, let’s discuss.Is ghostwriting ethical?If someone bought your book under the impression that you wrote all the words - not knowing that it has been penned by a ghost -   then have you misled that reader? Have you been deceitful? It really depends, but answering this question often depends on two aspects:the intent of the credited author;and the effect on the readers/audience.Say that a life-l ong birdwatcher who struggles to string coherent paragraphs together wants to publish a bird-watcher’s travel guide. They hire a ghostwriter to help them produce this book. In this case, the author’s intent is to share their years of acquired wisdom with others. And if readers of this book are receiving well-researched and sound knowledge, then they are getting what they paid for - and nobody will really complain.Now here’s an example of when ghostwriting wades into murky territory: A person is venturing into a new business which they believe could be very fruitful, but which they know next to nothing about. They use a ghostwritten book to establish themself as an â€Å"authority† under false pretenses in order to attract clients. The â€Å"author’s† intent here - to take advantage of readers - is indeed unethical. Is ghostwriting ethical? Join the discussion here! When Dorothy discovers that the Great and Powerful Oz is actually a man behind a curtain, does this revelation diminish her personal journey and undermine her personal growth? We would say no. But if the Wonderful Wizard tried to sell her on a great investment opportunity, that would be another matter.Have you ever worked with a ghostwriter or tried your hand at ghostwriting? Tell us about your experiences - or leave any questions in the comments below!

Monday, October 21, 2019

Free Essays on 1984 A Futuristic Novel

1984 was written in 1949 as a foresight in to the future, George Orwell pictured the near future to be totally control by controlled by 3 super countries. The main character of the book lives and works in one of the super countries, his name is Winston. Winston works for the Ministry of Truth, a branch of the government that works on changing all written document to agree with the party lines at any time. For example the country that Winston works for was at war with one super country and then it switched sides and started to battle the other super country. Winston had to change all the newspapers that claimed that they were at war with one country to say they were at war with the other country and make it look like they had always been at war with the second country. Most citizens of the country listened to the party and believed every thing that they were told to believe, Winston was not like this, and he was rebellious in nature. His first act of rebellion was the act of keeping a journal, this was not allowed because all written documents were to be controlled or produced by the party. Another thing that made the journal an act of rebellion was the fact that he kept tract of the changes he was forced to make at the ministry of truth. This enabled Winston to keep track of the truth as he knew it and helped him to keep his sanity. Winston second act of rebellion was a love interest. His love interest was another employee at the ministry of truth. Having a lover was not allowed because there was not suppose to be any sex for pleasure the only sex allowed was for reproduction and was monitored through tele-screens. Tele-screens were much like today’s TV’s but they could see both ways so the party used them to monitor the everyday activities of the people. At first Winston would meet the girl in crowded area and the escape into the woods or some other place with no tele-screen. Then Winston found an apartment with no tele-scree... Free Essays on 1984 A Futuristic Novel Free Essays on 1984 A Futuristic Novel 1984 was written in 1949 as a foresight in to the future, George Orwell pictured the near future to be totally control by controlled by 3 super countries. The main character of the book lives and works in one of the super countries, his name is Winston. Winston works for the Ministry of Truth, a branch of the government that works on changing all written document to agree with the party lines at any time. For example the country that Winston works for was at war with one super country and then it switched sides and started to battle the other super country. Winston had to change all the newspapers that claimed that they were at war with one country to say they were at war with the other country and make it look like they had always been at war with the second country. Most citizens of the country listened to the party and believed every thing that they were told to believe, Winston was not like this, and he was rebellious in nature. His first act of rebellion was the act of keeping a journal, this was not allowed because all written documents were to be controlled or produced by the party. Another thing that made the journal an act of rebellion was the fact that he kept tract of the changes he was forced to make at the ministry of truth. This enabled Winston to keep track of the truth as he knew it and helped him to keep his sanity. Winston second act of rebellion was a love interest. His love interest was another employee at the ministry of truth. Having a lover was not allowed because there was not suppose to be any sex for pleasure the only sex allowed was for reproduction and was monitored through tele-screens. Tele-screens were much like today’s TV’s but they could see both ways so the party used them to monitor the everyday activities of the people. At first Winston would meet the girl in crowded area and the escape into the woods or some other place with no tele-screen. Then Winston found an apartment with no tele-scree...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

List of Free Online Public Schools for Hawaii Students, K-12

List of Free Online Public Schools for Hawaii Students, K-12 Hawaii offers resident students the opportunity to take online public school courses for free. Below is a list of no-cost online schools currently serving elementary and high school students in Hawaii. In order to qualify for the list, schools must meet the following qualifications: classes must be available completely online, they must offer services to state residents, and they must be funded by the government. Virtual schools listed may be charter schools, state-wide public programs, or private programs that receive government funding. List of Hawaii Online Charter Schools and Online Public Schools Connections Public Charter School (off-site link)Halau Ku Mana New Century Charter School (off-site link)Hawaii Virtual Academies (off-site link) About Online Charter Schools and Online Public Schools Many states now offer tuition-free online schools for resident students under a certain age (often 21). Most virtual schools are charter schools; they receive government funding and are run by a private organization. Online charter schools are subject to fewer restrictions than traditional schools. However, they are reviewed regularly and must continue to meet state standards. Some states also offer their own online public schools. These virtual programs generally operate from a state office or a school district. State-wide public school programs vary. Some online public schools offer a limited number of remedial or advanced courses not available in brick-and-mortar public school campuses. Others offer full online diploma programs. A few states choose to fund â€Å"seats† for students in private online schools. The number of available seats may be limited and students are usually asked to apply through their public school guidance counselor. (See also: 4 Types of Online High Schools). Choosing a Hawaii Online Public School When choosing an online public school, look for an established program that is regionally accredited and has a track record of success. Be wary of new schools that are disorganized, are unaccredited, or have been the subject of public scrutiny. For more suggestions on evaluating virtual schools see: How to Choose an Online High School.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Act 1 Screen Play Writing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Act 1 Screen Play Writing - Essay Example He continues to walk swiftly towards the parking space that is a block away from the casino. He continues his struggle to reach his shelter; the car which can help him flee from the expected risk. On his way to the car, he thinks (all his thoughts visually appear on the screen) that he has won honestly by stating to the men in the casino that â€Å"I know how to play cards† and then instantly recalls his childhood memories (appears on the screen in a vague impression), when his father used to take him to casinos at a very early age. (His father is shown on the screen) - teaching him tricks related to cards. He then utters the words â€Å"I just under-sold myself in front of the men†; All this is irking him badly which is shown through his body language. The moment he reaches his car, a screeching sound of the tyres of a vehicle is heard. Joey immediately turns back but then rushes towards his car within no time; but as soon as he opens it with his trembling hands, a black Chevy Pick truck stops next to him and three real big Chinese guys; Bao, Jiang, and Gan, come out of the truck. Joey’s face expresses all his reservations and fears at that moment. Gan runs towards Joey and smashes his head badly on the car. All of them start hitting Joey roughly and then one of them snatches the money from Joey. An expression of relief fills Joey’s face, as he expects them to leave. But the next moment, Joey’s face seems miserable as Gan pulls out a forty-caliber handgun and shouts, â€Å"You Gringo†. Joey (with extreme displeasure exhibited through his face) closes his eyes and feels the last seconds of his life. The next moment, a sound of gunshot is heard and Joey fells down with blood oozing out of his chest like a waterfall. The truck disappears in the dark leaving Joey lying on the corner of Edison Street and the screen slowly blacks out with the sounds of police

Friday, October 18, 2019

Same Sex Marriage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Same Sex Marriage - Essay Example Efforts to amend various sections of the Constitution in different States gained momentum to incorporate amendments to prohibit the same-sex marriages. States such as Nevada, Alaska, and Nebraska made changes to their constitution to disallow lesbian and gay relationships. This happened in 1990. Massachusetts State was the first state to legalize and recognize the same sex-marriage in 2003. Civil unions came into full force to advocate States to grand the lesbians and gays their most much-needed rights. Out of their efforts, several States have approved homosexuality, namely, New York, Rhode Island, and the District of Columbia. There is a lot of optimism in the gay and lesbian community, going by the past trends, that they will gain victories in many other states in the United States (Confessore and Barbaro A1). In the United States, many groups show their deeper concerns about their fears and speculation over the consequences of this new social order (Ambrosino 84). Some have supported and others bitterly opposed this new practice. Different legal and religious communities such as Christianity, Muslims, and Buddhism have voiced in their varied views on this matter. Catholic and evangelistic churches are in the forefront to oppose the move to legalize same-sex marriage. Division on homosexuality in the Protestant faith is evident, a section of them feels that the same-sex marriages should have freedom to marry, others completely object (Taylor A25). The Muslim community feels this is a violation of religious beliefs. Buddhists have differing stances about same-sex marriage. The liberals have no objections while the conservatisms greatly object the issue. The number of the opponents has out-numbered that of supporters with significant margins. The opponents raise many concerns about the same- sex marriages. To start with, they doubt whether there is any commitment in these relationships. They argue that the marriages are due to break sooner than later. They further point out that gay and lesbians’ couples are quite unhappy which is on contrary to a heterosexual marriages. Social conservatives believe that marriage is a health foundation

Is there a connection between human freedom and modern physics Essay - 1

Is there a connection between human freedom and modern physics - Essay Example Every man has a natural right to pursue happiness but the human thought process is very tricky. This is Maya, and Maya incites the human mind to dance to its tune. Through its thoughts the human mind can create individual and societies but these very thoughts bring it to a state of confusion. Thinking cannot control the forces of nature, says Wilhelm (Ch1, p45). Thoughts like to drown itself in the assumption that it has control over the senses and nature. Ideas are intelligent perceptions but they too can take different forms. An individual has to assume responsibility to express ideas and this may eventually lead to a new reality. This demonstrates the power in human thoughts, and this very power of ideas, reality and thoughts have led to discoveries in science. Ideas have the power to make us believe in the reality or turn the ideas into reality. It also has the power to create chaos. Human beings are always struggling for freedom – freedom not from other human beings but from their own thoughts. Freedom is not external to the self. Freedom lies in one’s own thinking process, in one’s own perception. It is freedom from one’s own confusion. This is precisely what Lord Krishna in Bhagwad Gita has conveyed. Human beings are forever fighting with their own inner selves – sometimes the divine mind reigns Supreme only to be overpowered by the demonic thoughts. Freedom is to evolve from this Maya and und erstand the Reality. It is freedom from the inner conflict and not a fight between two individuals that has been portrayed. Arjuna’s thoughts and ideas formed a chain and distorted the Reality; he was far away from the Truth. Today human beings view freedom as a right without responsibility. Standards of behavior are determined through the use of statistical curves. Money and success is the yardstick of freedom. Money is linked to spirituality. Spiritualism is a profession and those

An examination of factors affecting Inditex's online sales market in Dissertation

An examination of factors affecting Inditex's online sales market in Russia - Dissertation Example Much of the transactions over the Internet are performed without person-to-person interaction between the store representatives and consumers, and without the consumers viewing and inspecting the actual item to be purchased. Online purchase transactions are intrinsically based on intangible promises, which fact explains the natural reluctance of most consumers to immediately transact over websites. The study makes use of both primary and secondary data in the resolution of the research problem. Secondary data is relied upon to assess the direction and prospects of the Russian online apparels market, to determine the opportunities it offers and how Inditex could best position itself given the forecasted indicators. Primary data is gathered through the online dissemination of survey questionnaires that elicited perceptual data from consumers who were stratified according to whether they transacted seldom, moderately or frequently in online retail stores. The hypotheses were tested with the use of Student’s t-test and OLS regression analysis. The study found that trust factors (transaction security, customer data misuse, uncertainty reducing elements, and guarantees/ return policies) are the most significant and positively influential drivers of both decisions to purchase and the amount of purchases made. Marketing mix is also significant though less influential, with pricing strategies playing a positive role in the decision to purchase and the amount purchased. Finally, usability has some impact on both the purchase decision and volume transacted, but the direction of the relationship of these factors to the outputs is uncertain. Key words: online retailer, marketing mix, multichannel marketing, multi-concept approach, market segmentation, transaction security, site speed Table of Contents Abstract 2 List of Tables 6 List of Figures 6 Chapter 1: Introduction 8 1.1 Background of the problem 8 1.2 Industry Background 12 1.3 Research aim / objective 13 1.4 R esearch hypotheses 13 1.5 Research questions 13 1.6 Research objectives 13 1.7 Significance of the study 13 1.8 Chapter Summary 14 Chapter 2: Literature Review 15 2.1 Chapter overview 15 2.2 Online shopping 15 2.3 Traditional versus online consumer behaviour 17 2.4 Factors affecting online shopping behaviour 18 2.5 Strategic practices in online retailing 20 2.6 Online fashion retailing 21 2.7 Theoretical Framework 23 Chapter 3: Methodology 27 3.1Chapter overview 27 3.2 Research philosophy and strategy 27 3.3 Research approach 28 3.4 Data and information 29 3.5 Survey dissemination 29 3.6 Data analysis 30 The data gathered through the survey questionnaire consists of the perceptions of online shoppers classified as either seldom, moderate, and frequent purchasers. These responses are used to resolve hypothesis 1 with the use of Student’s t-test statistical method, and also to resolve hypothesis 2 with the use of ordinary least squares (OLS) multivariate regression analysis. Th e procedure shall be executed with the use of the SPSS version 17 statistical software. 30 3.6 Reliability and validity 31 3.7 Limitations 31 3.8 Chapter summary 31 The third chapter described the data that was used and the method by which such data had been gathered and analysed. These methods had been implemented during the research phase, in the course of which the data as described had been gathered and analysed according to the procedures described in this chapter. The findings that resulted

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Construction law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Construction law - Essay Example 2. This paper will look into the value for money delivered by PFI methods in order to determine if PFI is preferable in comparison to public funding. Synopsis of PFI 3. The PFI method relies on delivering infrastructure and / or services for the general public through the utilisation of private funds and resources. The provision is kept in line using public sector specifications so the public sector can be seen as exerting sizable influence on the overall process. Typically the private sector’s involvement is largely directed to financial support for public projects as per the PFI approach. However, the private sector can also be involved in the operation and maintenance of services that might have been built using PFI or other previous methods3. The basic contention behind PFI is to allow the private sector greater involvement in public spending projects so that the burden on the public sector is eased. Moreover, the involvement of the private sector ensures that public secto r projects are competitive enough while delivering optimal value for money goods and services. Advantages and Disadvantages of PFI Successful PFI Implementations 4. Advocates of PFI argue that projects implemented under the PFI arrangement show greater promise than conventionally public sector funded projects. Research indicates that conventional public infrastructure provision arrangements provided on time and on budget projects around 30% and 27% respectively. In contrast, PFI arrangements provided an increase of 76% and 78% for on time and on budget project handovers4. These statistics clearly highlight that PFI has the capacity to deliver better both in terms of budget variances and schedule variances. The inherent nature of the private sector makes it competitive since the public sector has little or no other competition for infrastructure and service delivery. It is often common that the public sector tends to see negative budget and negative schedule variances on projects sin ce no other benchmarks are possible. However, the private sector thrives on competition and escalating negative budgetary and negative scheduling variances indicate a failing business strategy. The need to remain relevant to the market ensures that private businesses are more efficient in terms of resource and time utilisation when compared to the public sector. 5. Similarly, other research into PFI arrangements showed that optimised deals were attained in every case studied. Moreover, research findings indicated that value for money in PFI projects was achieved 80% of the time5. Another notable aspect of PFI initiatives is the decrease in costs since private financers are looking for ways to reduce costs. Research indicates that public infrastructure provision becomes between 7% and 23% cheaper when PFI methods are applied6. Other research placed cost reduction at 11%7. It could be reasoned that cheaper infrastructure and service provision would lead to a lower quality. However, it must be noted from the research above that value for money is achieved in 80% of PFI projects which tends to dispel this method of reasoning. 6. Critics of the PFI approach contend that private involvement tends to make infrastructure and service provision too competitive such that value addition is minimised. However, such claims hold little ground in light

Paper 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Paper 2 - Essay Example Secondly, I support the civil rights movement, because its leaders including Martin Luther King Jr. acknowledged the importance of integrating the leadership of whites and that of blacks, among other minority groups (Taylor 156). Their view was opposed to the Black Nationalism’s goal of displacing and the revolting against the entre leadership system held by the white people. Through this letter, I will communicate the different reasons, and the critical areas that compelled me to decline the opportunity of working with the OAAU; instead, am in favor of the outlook of the civil rights movement. The first reason as to why I decline the invitation to work with OAAU is that all through the years between 1953 and 1965, despite the efforts of the members of the civil rights movement, the followers of Black Nationalism took an opposite trajectory (Reed 151-155). ... From the outlook that the entire array of Western culture phenomena was based on prejudice and hypocrisy was faulty, mainly because the integration of the black people into the mainstream society would offer them access to platforms for causing change. For example, at the time, very few black people had considerable education; therefore their chances of taking leadership positions were very minimal (Cone 134). The negative outlook of the Black Nationalist movement, which houses the OAAU, is evident from the decrees of Malcolm X, who held that the control of justice, taking center-stage in economics and separatism were the only options that would change the racist situation in the American society. However, Malcolm had little thought of the economic infrastructures that they would use to remain independent; many blacks were not educated to levels that would guarantee effective leadership and he did not regard whether separatism would affect the black society positively or negatively ( Cone 134). Second evidence that Malcolm X’s organization does not offer the better option to the problems facing the black people is that, he believed that violence was the only channel, through which social change could take place; he believed that nonviolence was the philosophy of the fool (Taylor 156). However, it is necessary to note that violence has not yielded positive effects in the past, further; using violence could affect minority groups like the blacks negatively. The third evidence is that the institution of ethical values, developing their own society and setting self-help groups was likely to alienate the black people, from the mainstream economy, noting that they were not the majority. The second

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Construction law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Construction law - Essay Example 2. This paper will look into the value for money delivered by PFI methods in order to determine if PFI is preferable in comparison to public funding. Synopsis of PFI 3. The PFI method relies on delivering infrastructure and / or services for the general public through the utilisation of private funds and resources. The provision is kept in line using public sector specifications so the public sector can be seen as exerting sizable influence on the overall process. Typically the private sector’s involvement is largely directed to financial support for public projects as per the PFI approach. However, the private sector can also be involved in the operation and maintenance of services that might have been built using PFI or other previous methods3. The basic contention behind PFI is to allow the private sector greater involvement in public spending projects so that the burden on the public sector is eased. Moreover, the involvement of the private sector ensures that public secto r projects are competitive enough while delivering optimal value for money goods and services. Advantages and Disadvantages of PFI Successful PFI Implementations 4. Advocates of PFI argue that projects implemented under the PFI arrangement show greater promise than conventionally public sector funded projects. Research indicates that conventional public infrastructure provision arrangements provided on time and on budget projects around 30% and 27% respectively. In contrast, PFI arrangements provided an increase of 76% and 78% for on time and on budget project handovers4. These statistics clearly highlight that PFI has the capacity to deliver better both in terms of budget variances and schedule variances. The inherent nature of the private sector makes it competitive since the public sector has little or no other competition for infrastructure and service delivery. It is often common that the public sector tends to see negative budget and negative schedule variances on projects sin ce no other benchmarks are possible. However, the private sector thrives on competition and escalating negative budgetary and negative scheduling variances indicate a failing business strategy. The need to remain relevant to the market ensures that private businesses are more efficient in terms of resource and time utilisation when compared to the public sector. 5. Similarly, other research into PFI arrangements showed that optimised deals were attained in every case studied. Moreover, research findings indicated that value for money in PFI projects was achieved 80% of the time5. Another notable aspect of PFI initiatives is the decrease in costs since private financers are looking for ways to reduce costs. Research indicates that public infrastructure provision becomes between 7% and 23% cheaper when PFI methods are applied6. Other research placed cost reduction at 11%7. It could be reasoned that cheaper infrastructure and service provision would lead to a lower quality. However, it must be noted from the research above that value for money is achieved in 80% of PFI projects which tends to dispel this method of reasoning. 6. Critics of the PFI approach contend that private involvement tends to make infrastructure and service provision too competitive such that value addition is minimised. However, such claims hold little ground in light

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Business Communication Process for Toyota Essay

Business Communication Process for Toyota - Essay Example The communication process is fundamental in communicating the corporation’s goal to various persons. It would be advantageous for Toyota to employ modern styles of communication. In numerous cases, both oral and nonverbal communication is instrumental in relaying information (Daneci-Patrau, 2011). Misunderstandings usually arise when the mode of communication does not fulfill its intended objective during operations. Instead, it makes an organization ineffective in conducting its other duties, especially managerial roles. The goal of communication within Toyota is to enhance understanding between the sender and the receiver of the information (Guffey, Rogin and Rhodes, 2009). This happens at all levels of operations from the top management to the subordinates. It is often at the departmental level that communication impacts are felt within an organization since it is in such areas that an organization’s productivity can be influenced via communication. Indeed, effective communication assists businesses in achieving their set objectives. In the case of Toyota Corporation, the management can enhance productivity by introducing the application of advanced communication techniques. This will be facilitated by the guidelines on the proposal on the means of improving their communication process using similar approaches to what Digicom uses in within its departments. The information from this piece will be used by other organizations intending to advance the approaches they use in interacting at the operational level. Business Communication Process for Toyota Introduction Modernization is altering the operations of Toyota Corporation. As evident in the corporation’s outlet across the globe, the communication systems seem to differ while constantly changing to embrace divergent concerns. For example, the introduction of technology is not only benefiting Toyota but also equally affecting businesses. Due to these shortcomings, the management has been forced to devise effective measures to enhance communication within their organization (Pride, Hughes, and Kapoor, 2012). In order to effectively comprehend the operations in various departments within the entity, the administrators within the company use modernized approaches of communication as opposed to their traditional methods. Consequently, this paper devises ways which the administrators of Toyota will use in enhancing coordination within operations. The paper equally proffers recommendations that Toyota will use to minimize miscommunication within its organizations, since effective interaction will lead to an increase in productivity; the suggestions from this paper should apply to all of the members of the Corporation, regardless of the roles they play. Furthermore, the paper intends to integrate the traditional and the modern approaches to communication that Toyota will use in solving conflicts within the organization. Methodology Data collected from the approaches that Toyota Corporation uses in their communication is instrumental in presenting this proposal.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Common Racial Themes Shared in Faulkner and Morrison

Common Racial Themes Shared in Faulkner and Morrison Common Racial Themes Shared in Faulkner and Morrison In spite of obvious racial and gender differences between William Faulkner (1897-1962) and Toni Morrison (1931-present), both authors approach race as a means of social separation. American society throughout history has focused on such separations to establish a defined hierarchy, based both on race and gender. In Toni Morrisons The Bluest Eye, race is used to demean black Americans; standards of beauty were based on what appeared to be the closest in resemblance to white Americans. Traditionally African features such as broad noses and full lips were deemed unattractive and therefore socially inferior, as evidenced by The Bluest Eyes protagonists with the fair-skinned Maureen Peal. William Faulkners Light in August approaches race as a means of gendered power. Faulkners works showcase the ambiguity in gender lines, and Light in August is no different. Miscegenation, a central topic, melds with gender differences in empowering white characters as masculine and black characters as ne utered. Joe Christmas, a character whose racial background is shrouded throughout most of the novel, is constantly berated and indirectly belittled by powerful white figures such as his stepfather and a later lover. His death, presented at the apex of the novel (also coinciding with verification of his mixed-race background), is most significant in its portrayal of Joe Christmas castration and murder at the hands of authorities. The Bluest Eye Morrisons portrayal of race touches on several important points reflecting the social climate of the time. First, being white is aesthetically more desirable than being black. Second, being black equivocates to hardship, and third, being white transcends all aspects of being black in the social hierarchy. Race and Ethnicity Claudia and Frieda encounter the phenomena of racial aesthetics with the introduction of Maureen Peal, a fair-complexioned black girl who, despite being born with an unusual amount of birth defects, is preferred by the black boys and girls. Maureen is born with six fingers on each hand with slightly noticeable stumps where her extra fingers used to be, a significant mutation and something that would erstwhile earn her the cruel taunting of most all the children had it not been for her fair skin (Morrison 63). More noticeable is the contempt Maureen garners from Claudia and Frieda, who take closer notice to her dog tooth, relishing what physical imperfections they can find (Morrison 63). If anything, the girls spite is a jealousy harboured because they too desire to be as light-skinned and supposedly beautiful as Maureen. Further accentuating the social favour of white aesthetic superiority, Maureen denigrates Claudia, Frieda and Pecola, screaming that she is cute [and they are] black and ugly black e mos [sic], presumably differentiating herself from the three by pointing out her fairness in comparison to theirs (Morrison 73). Identity Other forms of childhood naÃÆ'Â ¯vetÃÆ'Â © serve to further Morrisons grim portrayal of black race as being synonymous with a life of hardship and inferiority. Introducing Pecola in a narrative from Claudias perspective, Morrison demonstrates the perversion of a black society that would, in a blue-eyed Baby Doll, personify what adults assume to be a childs fondest wish (Morrison 20). Still worse is the infuriating tone Morrison evokes in her three protagonists upon Mrs. Breedloves interaction with a white girl smaller and younger than them who refers to their revered matriarch as simply Polly; told from Claudias point of view, what infuriates the protagonists and the reader is that not even the elder Pecola refers to Mrs. Breedlove by her first name (Morrison 108). Still more self-deprecating is Claudias implied realisation that she is at the bottom of the social chain. Stuck below her mother in age and black men in gender, she is further demeaned when she realises the white girl s transcendence of the black social order altogether. As a young, black woman, Claudia sees how inferior even her own people perceive her. A Light in August Identity Unlike Morrison, Faulkner uses race as a means of sexual empowerment. For example, Joes feelings of self-hatred as a man of colour is reflected in his beating of the shenegro in the barn, a means of projection against the demons he faces as an adopted boy (Faulkner 514). As a black man, Christmas further feels inadequate and filled with self-deprecation. He is demeaned into emasculation under the sexually charged Miss Burden, a reflection of black inferiority to the white race in all interactions. Christmas emasculation is complete in his murder at the hands of Grimm, who shoots Christmas five times and then castrates him in a kitchen, a symbol of the relegation of blacks into servitude and powerlessness. Faulkners inherent message is that to be black is to be not only socially inferior, but to also be genderless and dehumanized, a fact evidenced by his most gruesome and torturous death. Though Joe Christmas is not noticeably black as a product of miscegenation, he is forced into a b lack identity by a society who will not accept a white man with even a drop of black blood in his lineage. Race and Ethnicity Morrison and Faulkner both draw upon the inequities of American racial relations in order to communicate his disdain for the institution of racial discrimination. However, Faulkner is more fatalist in tone, evoking a manner of apathy and helplessness at the situation. Like Morrison, Faulkner demonstrates how racial association compromises character. Reverend Gail Hightower is shamed in society initially because of his wifes infidelities; however, what ostracizes him from the white community is a contemptuous rumour that he, as a reverend, had an affair with a black woman. People who wished to distance themselves from Hightower could not do so simply with the knowledge that he was a cuckold; instead, a far more negative rumour involving sexual relations and possible miscegenation was spread. Faulkner further shows the power of racial separation in the indictment of Joe Christmas by Joe Brown, who is questioned by Hightower and the sheriff. Unable to sway them from assuming his guilt a t the murder of Miss Burden, Brown spitefully accuses the two of [accusing] the white man trying to help [them] and letting the nigger run (Faulkner 470). BIBLIOGRAPHY Faulkner, William. Novels 1930-1935: As I Lay Dying, Sanctuary, Light in August, Pylon. New York: The Library of America, 1985. Morrison, Toni. The Bluest Eye. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2000.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Return Of The Native Essay -- essays research papers

In Thomas Hardy’s poem “Her Dilemma,'; it relates to book one of the novel Return of the Native in the concept of marriage and distrust of feelings. In both the poem and the novel, the woman’s feelings and emotions cause conflict in her marriage. It is interesting that both these literary works has a marriage transpire with one person doubtful, especially during a time when divorce was unconceivable. The question arises, should a lifetime decision be made solely upon the basis of one’s personal desires?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In “Her Dilemma'; the title gives the reader a clue that a choice must be made between equally undesirable alternatives. Hardy uses iambic pentameter as the rhyme scheme to make the poem flow smoothly. The first stanza uses detail to describe an ancient church where the couple is soon to be married. Once this stanza ends Hardy’s attitude changes to one of sorrow. “For he was soon to die, --he softly said, ‘Tell me you love me!’—Holding hard her hand.'; It is pathetic that this is the last wish of a dying man. Hardy’s use of consonance allows the reader to understand the man’s feelings. Next stanza the tone changes again, to one of pity for the woman who sells her soul “to be a moment kind.'; Regardless of whether the woman decides to marry, the man will die. Eventually, her sympathy for the man overwhelms her consciou...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Cheating and Plagiarism - It’s Not Plagiarism, It’s Recycling :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics

It’s Not Plagiarism, It’s Recycling What does plagiarism have to do with Shakespeare, Marlowe, Ovid's Metamorphosis, Titus Andronicus, Revenge Tragedies, Adam, Eve and the apple, and The Tempest? All these and many more are the result of plagiarism. There seems to be a great discussion on whether or not Shakespeare is the true author of the plays associated with his name. The internet seems to be full of essays, discussion boards and book reviews all dealing with this particular topic and most of the people submitting them are very forceful and definitive about their positions. In just a few hours of searching I found well over a thousand pages dealing with the original source of the works of art assigned to Shakespeare's name. The most disappointing part was that none of the essays I read even suggested the possibility of Shakespeare just "borrowing" information and topics from other playwrights and authors. They were all mainly interested in the man who actually put the words on paper. Not only did this decrease their usefulness for this particular paper but also they made it seem like the person who wrote the plays down on paper had some particular lawful ownership over them. This was not true though. During the time that Shakespeare was writing plays in England, there were no such laws deeming a play protected by copyright laws. Today, plays are usually published and distributed but in the Elizabethan era, plays were only written enough for the actors to learn their lines. When plays were put on there was usually a large audience. This audience could have included other playwrights and actors who would then remember pieces of what they saw and use them later in their own productions. How could this be copyrighted? Back then, actors were lucky if they did not get stopped by the police while performing a play why would the ideas of a playwright be protected by law? I do not think anyone even cared if the plays were used as resources for other plays. If Shakespeare used a part from one of Marlowe's plays, then Marlowe could take some ideas from Shakespeare. Since most of the ideas for plays came from famous works anyway, who's to say that Shakespeare's idea was even his own? Ovid's Metamorphosis is one of the most referenced works in the plays we have read already in class. Cheating and Plagiarism - It’s Not Plagiarism, It’s Recycling :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics It’s Not Plagiarism, It’s Recycling What does plagiarism have to do with Shakespeare, Marlowe, Ovid's Metamorphosis, Titus Andronicus, Revenge Tragedies, Adam, Eve and the apple, and The Tempest? All these and many more are the result of plagiarism. There seems to be a great discussion on whether or not Shakespeare is the true author of the plays associated with his name. The internet seems to be full of essays, discussion boards and book reviews all dealing with this particular topic and most of the people submitting them are very forceful and definitive about their positions. In just a few hours of searching I found well over a thousand pages dealing with the original source of the works of art assigned to Shakespeare's name. The most disappointing part was that none of the essays I read even suggested the possibility of Shakespeare just "borrowing" information and topics from other playwrights and authors. They were all mainly interested in the man who actually put the words on paper. Not only did this decrease their usefulness for this particular paper but also they made it seem like the person who wrote the plays down on paper had some particular lawful ownership over them. This was not true though. During the time that Shakespeare was writing plays in England, there were no such laws deeming a play protected by copyright laws. Today, plays are usually published and distributed but in the Elizabethan era, plays were only written enough for the actors to learn their lines. When plays were put on there was usually a large audience. This audience could have included other playwrights and actors who would then remember pieces of what they saw and use them later in their own productions. How could this be copyrighted? Back then, actors were lucky if they did not get stopped by the police while performing a play why would the ideas of a playwright be protected by law? I do not think anyone even cared if the plays were used as resources for other plays. If Shakespeare used a part from one of Marlowe's plays, then Marlowe could take some ideas from Shakespeare. Since most of the ideas for plays came from famous works anyway, who's to say that Shakespeare's idea was even his own? Ovid's Metamorphosis is one of the most referenced works in the plays we have read already in class.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Ragtime: Black People and E.l. Doctorow Essay

This novel written by the well-known novelist named E. L. Doctorow is about the race relations in turn-of-the-century America and reflects many of the changes the nation faced at that time. E. L. Doctorow addresses several major social changes in turn-of-the-century America in his novel Ragtime. Ragtime is centered around several very different people, from rich to poor. He conveys the effects of these changes through the reactions of the characters. Some characters welcome and accept change, while other reject and struggle with it. This novel is narrated in the third person and the tone of this extract is ironic, rhetorical. The plot of this extract revolves around Coalhouse Walker, the black musician from Harlem. He has incredible import to the main themes of the novel. His characterization provides insight into race relations in (Ð ½Ã °Ã'‡Ð °Ã »Ã ¾ Ð ²Ã'€Ð µÃ ¼Ã µÃ ½Ã ¸) turn-of-the-century America. Many characters react strongly to his mannerisms, as they believe his social position does not warrant such behavior. Because Coalhouse conducts himself with a sense of pride atypical of African Americans at this point in history, his expectations of how he should be treated repeatedly come into direct conflict with others’ expectations of how African Americans should be treated. Coalhouse Walker, then, represents all African Americans who challenge the expectations many whites have of them. In the exposition of this extract the author describes the scene when Coalhouse Walker arrived at Broadview Avenue – a district where rich and â€Å"white† people lived. Everything in that scene of arrival – beginning at his car â€Å"†¦a new model T-Ford†, his â€Å"gloved hand†, dressed â€Å"in the affection of wealth† and ending at the manner of his behavior (â€Å"†¦resolute†¦self-important in the way he asked†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ) – shows us how earth-shatteringly and improperly the â€Å"black man† conducted himself. Because in turn-of-the-century America black people had no rights and even more so had no right to â€Å"†¦presume to come in the door† in spite of standing â€Å"†¦at the back door†¦Ã¢â‚¬  – such behave of a Negro got Mother’s dander up. He came there to see a girl named Sarah. When she refused to meet Coalhose he left the house but not for a long time. In the complication of this extract we found out that Coalhouse beginning with that Sunday appeared every weak â€Å"†¦always knocking at the back door†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . The Father and the Mother – the representatives of the Old America – were disposed against him firstly. But when he left a bouquet of expensive flowers which had to have cost him â€Å"a pretty penny† – the Mother decided to give him chance. This extract is full of irony tone which describes the negative attitude towards Black’s at that time – Father’s consideration â€Å"a nuisance†, prevailing word combination â€Å"colored man† or â€Å"Negro†, Father’s irritation and abrupt questions – we can feel the negative atmosphere of this Avenue, of this Old World. In the climax of this story we see not a â€Å"Negro† – â€Å"White’s† slaves – but a cultured, self-conscious good musician playing the piano which â€Å"†¦had never made such sounds†¦Ã¢â‚¬  in spite of the fact â€Å"†¦this piano is badly in need of a tuning†. These words made Father’s face reddened – WHAT? A NEGRO DARED say such words? It was inconceivable for those period that such lowest society dared say such things. But manners of Coalhouse were full of elegancy – his way of pattering his lips with the napkin, placing the napkin beside his cup. The Ragtime – the music of nightlife New-York. This music in Coalhouse’s performance made all the Family gather in the room. In this extract we can see the personification of the end of emancipation from slavery – â€Å"†¦everyone applauded†¦Ã¢â‚¬  – the new time had come – the time of freedom and independence. How people can change (â€Å"†¦ Father noted that he suffered no embarrassment by being in the parlor†¦ on the contrary, he acted as if it was the most natural thing in the world†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ) and how this is all intertwined with the major events and people of this time in America is the main theme supplied by E. L. Doctorow.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Ethernet Cabling Category

The charter school's CEO has requested your help in updating the network to meet the demands of the building's faculty members and students. Your job is to interview the key stakeholders and to take action to remedy the issues that they have. Write a two to three page proposal addressing each of the stakeholder concerns. Use the technologies below for the areas of concern. All of the technologies listed below will not be used, so be careful with your choices. You must use one of the solutions below to address each area of concern.Be specific in your responses, and justify the use of each technology based upon the concern. Category 2 UTP 10Base – T Ethernet Cabling Category 5 UTP 100Base – T Ethernet Cabling Category 6 UTP 1000Base – T Ethernet Cabling Server Farm File Server Print Server 8 port hub 16 port hub 24 port hub 8 port switch 16 port switch 24 port switch Storage area network RAID Fiber 1000Based-F Domain controllers Bus topology Topology Microwave wire less media Infrared wireless media Radio wireless media K E Y P L A Y E R SHelen Ross, Network Technician, Female â€Å"I don't know who designed our old network or what they were thinking. You see, my job is to support the faculty in the building and to fix minor network issues. Well, we often have major issues in our building, and I'm hoping that you can make things better. Printing is a really problematic area for us. You see, we have over 50 networked printers in this building. Although we do need the printers, we need some way to consolidate the management of print jobs, as the queues on these printers often are filled.We also need to navigate to each printer individually to clear them. There has to be a better way because this is ridiculous. Collisions have become a problem for us as well since we started to add new computers a few years ago. In the morning when everyone gets in, network performance slows to a crawl because everyone is busy on the network with their morning a ttendance and checking e-mail. After performing a network analysis, I figured out that there were way too many collisions on the network. There has to be a way to fix this. â€Å" Ethernet Cabling Category The charter school's CEO has requested your help in updating the network to meet the demands of the building's faculty members and students. Your job is to interview the key stakeholders and to take action to remedy the issues that they have. Write a two to three page proposal addressing each of the stakeholder concerns. Use the technologies below for the areas of concern. All of the technologies listed below will not be used, so be careful with your choices. You must use one of the solutions below to address each area of concern.Be specific in your responses, and justify the use of each technology based upon the concern. Category 2 UTP 10Base – T Ethernet Cabling Category 5 UTP 100Base – T Ethernet Cabling Category 6 UTP 1000Base – T Ethernet Cabling Server Farm File Server Print Server 8 port hub 16 port hub 24 port hub 8 port switch 16 port switch 24 port switch Storage area network RAID Fiber 1000Based-F Domain controllers Bus topology Topology Microwave wire less media Infrared wireless media Radio wireless media K E Y P L A Y E R SHelen Ross, Network Technician, Female â€Å"I don't know who designed our old network or what they were thinking. You see, my job is to support the faculty in the building and to fix minor network issues. Well, we often have major issues in our building, and I'm hoping that you can make things better. Printing is a really problematic area for us. You see, we have over 50 networked printers in this building. Although we do need the printers, we need some way to consolidate the management of print jobs, as the queues on these printers often are filled.We also need to navigate to each printer individually to clear them. There has to be a better way because this is ridiculous. Collisions have become a problem for us as well since we started to add new computers a few years ago. In the morning when everyone gets in, network performance slows to a crawl because everyone is busy on the network with their morning a ttendance and checking e-mail. After performing a network analysis, I figured out that there were way too many collisions on the network. There has to be a way to fix this. â€Å"

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

My Journey through Essay

Interviewing my son’s preschool teacher, Ms. Contreras, was a wonderful experience. I learned so much about the field and I was able to connect understand her as not only an educator but as a person; as the type of person who does well in this career field. Ms. Contreras is a California state preschool teacher and has been for 20 years. She holds an AA and a BS in Early Childhood Development and loves her job very much, and has decided to stay at the preschool level until she retires. Like any educator, she believes that it is important for parents to be involved with their children’s education. She encourages parents to come and volunteer whenever they are able, and has monthly parent meeting so that the parents are up to date with what is going on in the class room. To Ms. Contreras, the most important thing about being an early childhood educator is that you are an advocate; and advocate for children and their education. That you have and need to understand that chil dren are all different and unique and they all deserve to be in a preschool program no matter what their income or background. Her favorite thing about being a teacher is the innocence of the children at this age; she loves how pure the minds are of her students are. She wishes she can change the fact that preschool is only three hours long, but with state funding so low, that is all she is able to do, and less assessing. She feels that is keeps her from understanding her students and attending to what they need help in. Family is very important to Ms. Contreras so when she had her children, she knew that she needed a career that will work around her children, thus leading her to pick the field in education. She loved the idea of being a break as her children were on break, home when their home at school when they’re at school is how she put it. While conducting the interview, I sensed a vibe that she truly loves what she does and care very much about her students. And as one of the parent volunteers in her class, I can see it when a student randomly give her hugs, or in their eyes as they walk in the door on a Monday morning from what seems like a long weekend without her. One thing that I learned about the professional field of early childhood education from this interview is that you really have to love and understand children to be in the profession. Patience is a big part of this job when you have 24 to 30 preschool all needing your undivided attention. I learned that you need to understand your individual students in order to help them succeed and do your job to the best you can. Having a job in this profession may be hard at times, especially when you have so many students but at the end of the day, if it is truly made for you, the job can be very rewarding. Technology is a big trend now, in not only in the early childhood education field, but in education period. There are many pros and cons about applying technology to the early childhood classroom. Technology today, consists of TV, computers, video games, and now smart phones and wireless tablets. â€Å"Technology’s long-term history includes everything from primitive hewn-rock weapons to wood pencils to drone aircraft and smart phones.† (Estes, 2012) It is no secret that almost every house now has a computer and probably access to the internet, so many young children might be exposed to one or more of these even before preschool starts. The question is whether impacts the education of young children, and I believe that it does. Technology impacts the education of young children in many ways and I believe that technology should be applied to the early childhood classroom. In the preschool and kindergarten ages, technology needs to be developmentally appropriate. Once these technological activities are developmentally appropriate â€Å" technology-supported activities can be justified by a constructivist philosophy because engagement, active learning, creativity, and social interaction are all part of what goes on in the classroom† (Estes, 2012) Activities such as using the computer and its accessories such as the keyboard and mouse can improve fine motor skills by pushing keys and moving the mouse around. â€Å"These fine-motor movements also hone eye-hand coordination, and that’ll pay off for years to come as your little one learns to catch a ball, use scissors, or put together a tricky puzzle.† (Folds, 1999) This type of technology will be used in the future of each child and will be beneficial to the early childhood classroom, not only for the future but for their development. There are many concerns about the effects of technology for the little ones and to be honest I at one point I thought the same. In our text, many parents agree that it is insane to believe that a tablet app or an iPhone app can better teach a child to read or teach them math. (Estes, 2012) An when it come to video games, many believe that it isolates and can be one of the causes of another trend, childhood obesity. In my personal opinion, technology has come a long way and there will always be an opposing side. Video games, although may never be used in the classroom, do have some benefits to young children. Some video games can teach kids strategy and with video game consoles such as the new Nintendo Wii, force you to get up and move your body in order to play the game. By getting up and moving your body you are exercising. For different grade levels I think different teaching approaches are more appropriate. For the younger grades such as preschool and kindergarten I think the creative curriculum approach is more appropriate. This is the grade that I wish to teach. Having several interest areas or stations throughout the classroom will stimulate the minds of the students into wanting to learn, through play. This is the set up at my son’s preschool and it does seem to work very well with this age group. His classroom is small but he has a block section, library, home living area, an area for puzzle solving, computer play, and tables where the students can make art and a table to play with clay and play dough and eat lunch and snacks. Children age four or younger lack the capacity to sit still for long periods of time so having many options for them to self learn is always great. Children at this age learn through play and I think that the creative curriculum approach is perfect for this age group. I do believe that preschool aged students will benefit from direct instruction, but a limited amount. Maybe a little lecture time before class to discuss small topics such as counting to ten, or practicing letters but all through song, or to lay out the schedule for the day. Songs tend to catch the attention on the younger kids, plus song is easier for kids to remember, especially those who learn more through music. There are many different beliefs about how to properly teach a young child. These beliefs go way back to before we were even a country. In my opinion, Children need hands-on experiences that are linked to more than one sense to learn. They need to feel, do, see, (Piaget’s sensorimotor stage) etc. They should be taught concepts in more than one way (multiple intelligences), and it should be fun. Children should not be made to participate in direct instruction lessons. They should have a choice on whether or not they want to participate and be rewarded for positive behavior. Learning should be play based and overall fun. Early childhood education starts before the young child enters the classroom, it starts from the time the child is born, and many believe that it starts even in the womb. It is then that a young child begins to learn and see the world. Jean Piaget believes and I agree that cognitive development occurs in stages. The first stage is known as the sensorimotor stage and is a blend between a child’s motor skills and improvements to the understanding of their senses. (Estes, 2012) This stage takes place from birth to about age two. The second stage of Piaget’s cognitive development is the preoperational stage. During this stage, usually 18 months to two years, children begin to use symbolic gestures or movements to link to words. (Estes, 2012) In the classroom, I will encourage my students to use their five senses and motor skills to learn about the world around them. In the early childhood classroom, play takes up a big part of the day. According to many early childhood philosophers and educators, children learn through play. Not only is play beneficial to the classroom but to the child’s overall health. Erick Erikson believed that play helped individuals cope with a traumatic or emotional past. In my classroom, there will be centers and they will all be play based. Different type of playing will take place at each center, by doing this I hope to encourage children to play freely and be themselves but also helping them as individuals. Because each child is different, I think that concepts should be taught in many different ways. According to Howard Gardiner, there are seven different intelligences; linguistic, logical-mathematic, musical, bodily-kinesthetic, spatial, interpersonal, and intrapersonal. One child’s strength will be in logical-mathematical, for example, and another child’s strength in musical. As an early childhood educator I will teach concepts in many different ways to ensure my students are grasping the information provided and having fun with it. Lastly, I think that children need to be rewarded and praised often. I feel like it encourages them to continue to do well. American psychologist, B.F. Skinner, called this operant conditioning. The idea behind this theory is basically that if one changes their behavior they are indeed learning. (Estes, 2012)The theory is simple, if you are doing something good, you will be rewarded. For example, in my classroom I will do this by rewarding with stickers or treats after lunch time. I see myself in the near future substituting at my son’s school district. Although I cannot teach yet I will be able to sub once I finish a couple more core classes. After I do obtain my degree in Early Childhood Education, I plan on becoming a preschool teacher. I have wanted a job working with kids for as long as I can remember and being a mom I feel like being a teacher will work great around my family life, as I am able to be available to my son as much as possible. I currently live in California, where school funding is low and has been low for a while especially for education. Because of this I think that I will need to start off my career working in or for another preschool program for better financial stability. It has been a dream for me to also become a special education teacher, so I am hoping to go back to school once I have been a preschool teacher for a couple of years and start my journey toward that field. I hear that early childhood special education is a wonderful and rewarding field as well. I think at the end of the day, I want to do something that I love and something that I am confident in. Something that I will be happy to wake up to and look forward to every day and working with kids is just that. References Estes, L. K. (2012). Pathways to teaching young children: An introduction to early childhood education. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Folds, D. V. (1999, Feb 22). Technology for Toddlers. PR Newswire , 1.