Monday, September 30, 2019

Motifs in “The Scarlet Letter” by Hawthorne Essay

In a novel of sin and redemption, symbolism is used to broaden the significance of certain aspects. Throughout The Scarlet Letter, Hawthorne uses a barrage of themes, motifs, and symbolisms. These images help to unify the novel and enrich the meaning behind the work. Early in the novel, Hawthorne refers to iron, oak, chains mainly to demonstrate the Puritanism that takes place in the novel. However, he also uses these symbolic items to display the bonds between characters and what they believe in. In the first paragraph of the novel, Hawthorne describes the prison door â€Å"which was heavily timbered with oak and studded with iron spikes† (Pg. 33) to flaunt the austerity and illustrate what times were like right off the bat. He uses verisimilitude to liken the callousness of the puritan ethic to the portal behind which go the criminals who don’t follow these guidelines. The symbolism in this situation is used to intensify the importance of the puritan ethic in the nove l. To elucidate Hester’s desire to move back to England, and her morals for staying, Hawthorne states that â€Å"The chain that bound her here was of iron links, and galling to her inmost soul, but never could be broken.† (Pg. 55) Even though she knew she could move back anytime she wanted, Hester felt fervent on staying in New England to prove herself to everyone. In this case Hawthorne used symbolism to enact the bond between man and nature. Hester was bound to the land through a chain of fulfillment. Hawthorne also uses symbolism to form a correlation between different chapters in the novel. On the first page, Hawthorne describes the prison door as a portal to doom. In The Governor’s Hall, Hawthorne described the Governor’s door as a door to liberty. If Hester â€Å"lifted the iron hammer† (Pg. 71) and entered the Governor’s home, she would be taking the first step to freedom from her sin. The last way Hawthorne uses symbolism is to illustrat e Hester’s link to Dimmesdale. Hester knew there was a responsibility posed upon her which she allocated to the reverend. â€Å"Here was the iron link of mutual crime which neither he nor she could break.† (Pg. 109) This connection was what bonded the two together. Although all Hester’s links to her world were gone, she would always have the tie between herself and Dimmesdale, though an obligation to withhold, that would last forever. The Scarlet Letter used symbolism to intensify, explain, and link many things together throughout the novel. Iron, oak, and chains are few of numerous symbols Hawthorne uses throughout the novel. Without the  representation of these images, the story would not have been unified under one central theme. The motifs in the novel branch out from one idea. The signs and symbols we recognize help us to appreciate this account of love, sin, and salvation.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Linguistic Diversity in France

â€Å"La langue de la Republique est le francais. † Article 2 of the French Constitution, revised as recently as 1992, leaves no room for misinterpretation. France is not known as a multilingual nation, nor one with a well known multilingual history. However: The apparent linguistic unity of France hides a rather different reality of considerable linguistic diversity. (Laroussi and Marcellesi 1995, 85) The country’s monolingual facade hides a multitude of regional languages, whose speakers have faced chastisement and suppression for centuries.An enormous amount of conscious manipulation by the powers that have governed France through the ages has led to the complex linguistic situation that can be found in France today. This essay will present an overview of the historical events which have led to France’s present day linguistic situation paying particular attention to the country’s regional languages and their status. Breton and Basque will be the two reg ional languages focused on.French, the â€Å"sole† language of the French Republic, is certainly one of the country’s most powerful and influential assets. France has exported the French language all over the world, resulting in between seventy million and one hundred and ten million native speakers and twenty-nine countries using it as their official language today. However before founding this global platform, French had to establish itself within its own country, a process far more complicated than one might think.When the Romans began extending the frontiers of their empire to Gaul, an area which incorporates modern day France, Belgium, Germany as far as the Rhine and Switzerland from lake Geneva to lake Constance (see Lodge 1993, 39) they encountered a high level of linguistic variety. A mixture of Greek, pre-Indo-European and Celtic languages as well as many other languages that linguists have little knowledge of to this day could be found. As the Romans took con trol of this area from the second century BC, there followed a period of romanisation, and with this, presumably, latinisation.As put forward by Lodge: The rich archaeological record surviving from the Gallo-Roman period enables historians to trace the spread of Roman civilisation in Gaul in some detail (see Thevenot 1948). The process of latinisation undoubtedly followed the same paths as that of romanisation, but direct evidence related to the linguistic history of the period is scanty. [†¦ ] In all probability the latinisation of Gaul was very gradual [†¦ ] (Lodge 1993, 42) As Latin infiltrated Gaul, it most likely became influenced by the languages already present, resulting in a variety of non-standard Latins.The Gallo-Roman period lasted for about five centuries, until the Barbaric Germanic invaders: the Francs, the Visigoths and the Burgundians invaded and took over in the fifth century A. D. leaving behind them a linguistic legacy. The vulgar Latin already present mutated with the arrival of these new linguistic influences and France, at this point, was the proprietor of a large number of different dialects. These dialects became clearly split between the ninth and the thirteenth centuries forming the dialectical divisions of France: the langues d’oil in the North and the langues d’oc in the south.This split came about as the northern half, from around Lyon upwards, said oil for ‘yes’, whereas the southern half said oc. (Davidson 2011, 110) Today, the langues d’oil comprise French, Breton and Alsatian and the langues d’oc are made up of Occitan, Basque, Catalan and Franco-Provencal. The incredibly diverse linguistic platform present at this time still does not shed much light as to why French emerged as the single language of the French Republic. From this point, French emerges as an arguably â€Å"planned language†. see Judge 1993) During the Old French Period, between the tenth and thirteenth centuries, the dialect of l’Ile de France, the region which today incorporates Paris, grew in influence, particularly upon the languages of the North, but also on some South of the Loire. This dialect, Francien, replaced a number of dialects already in existence. During the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, as the influence of Paris became more important, so too did its dialect. The invention of printing in the fifteenth century was a highly significant factor in the spread of Francien.It is in the sixteenth century that we truly begin to see the manipulation of language in France, which has resulted in the complex linguistic situation present today. Although Francien had spread and was an important language in the country, the vast majority of the inhabitants of France had no knowledge of it and spoke a variety of regional languages and dialects. Direct linguistic legislation was introduced in an effort to regulate the linguistic situation. Signed into law by Francois I on August tenth 1539, the Ordonnance de Villers-Cotterets stated that all judicial acts must be carried out in Francien, in French.Articles 110 and 111 state: `Et afin qu’il n’y ait cause de douter sur l’intelligence desdits arrests, nous voulons et ordonnons qu’ils soient faits et escrits si clairement, qu’il n’y ait ne puisse avoir aucune ambiguite ou incertitude, ne lieu a demander interpretation. Et pour ce que de telles choses sont souvent advenues sur l’intelligence des mots latins contenus esdits arrests, nous voulons d’ores en avant que tous arrests, ensemble toutes autres procedures,†¦ soient prononcez, enregistrez et delivrez aux parties en langaige maternel francois et non autrement. ’ (Wartburg 1946, 145)This legislation excluded not only Latin, but also all regional languages and dialects, and it is here that we see the first inklings of French gaining superiority over its minor neighbours. Through this l aw, as the language of public administration, French quickly gained importance and by the end of the sixteenth century had achieved a heightened linguistic status. Further language legislation came about in 1635 with the official founding of the Academie francaise, a body to encourage, standardize and manage French as a language in all aspects and to create a grammar and a French dictionary.Then Vaugelas (1585-1650) [who was at the forefront of much of the Academie’s early work] published his Remarques sur la lange francaise in 1647 which became a linguistic Bible, the very foundation of le bon usage. (Judge 1993, 11) French had now gained a huge amount of stature. It was the only language of the upper classes, royalty and the educated. Speakers of Breton, Basque, Alsatian, Catalan and all other forms of regional language and dialect were regarded as second class citizens, as they spoke the tongues of the masses. The derogatory term â€Å"patois† was used to describe t his â€Å"crude† form of language.In 1798, as the Ancien Regime was overthrown by the French Revolution, linguistic homogeny and standardization became important issues. How could a country proclaim complete unity without being able to communicate in a common language to all fellow Frenchmen? The executive of the first republic, Abbe Gregoire, sought to gain a better understanding of the linguistic situation, in a battle against the common patois, conducting a survey on the state of French in 1790 entitled â€Å"Sur la necessite et les moyens d’anteantir les patois et d’universaliser l’usage de la langue francoise. His results revealed that French was almost a foreign language in the majority of France. Though Gregoire was ignorant as to what they were speaking, describing Corsican as Italian and Alsatian and its surrounding dialects as German (see Luxardo 2000) he discovered that the vast majority of France’s inhabitants were not speaking French. Only just under an eighth of the entire population spoke the language fluently. The results of Gregoire’s survey led to the issue and ratification of a decree in 1794 declaring unilingualism in all areas of France.The measures were no more extreme than the goal: the complete eradication of the regional languages that undermined France’s unity: The monarchy had reasons to resemble the Tower of Babel; in democracy, leaving the citizens to ignore the national language, unable to control the power, is betraying the motherland†¦ For a free people, the tongue must be one and the same for everyone†¦ How much money have we not spent already for the translation of the laws of the first two national assemblies in the various dialects of France!As if it were our duty to maintain those barbaric jargons and those coarse lingos that can only serve fanatics and counter-revolutionaries now! [Bertrand Barere, a member of the National Convention who had presided over the tria l of Louis XVI] (Davidson 2011, 112) Military conscription, the improvement of communication networks and education became very important in the spread of the French language and the eradication of regional languages and dialects. Any soldiers conscripted into the army from all parts of France were forced to communicate in a common language: French.Communication networks were improved and this increased Paris’s, the centre from which standard French originated, influence over France. In 1832, primary education was established and by the end of the nineteenth century Jules Ferry, the Minister for Public Instruction, made it free and compulsory for all French citizens. The introduction of â€Å"progressive† education came simultaneously with the suppression of minority languages. No other language but French was allowed and French culture and pride was very much promoted within the classroom.These factors had a huge influence on the growing dominance of the French langua ge. Regional languages and dialects faced a bleak future. Brittany can boast one of the most unique and interesting cultures of France. However, Breton is one of the most diminished regional languages in France. It is most concentrated in Le Finistere, and is not, nor has ever been an official language of France. As with all minority communities, the increasing control of the state in all aspects of their everyday lives has subjected the Breton community to a rocess of linguistic and cultural assimilation into the mainstream of French society. (Davidson 2011, 88) Under the third, fourth and fifth French republics, Breton children caught speaking their native Breton in school, as opposed to French, were subjected to the humiliation of having to wear a symbol around their neck which displayed their offence. Others had to do extra homework or received corporal punishment for their transgressions. In Davidson’s book, a Breton looks back on his grandparents experiences at school: My grandparents speak Breton too, though not with me.As children, they used to have their fingers smacked if they happened to say a word in Breton. Back then, the French of the Republic, one and indivisible, was to be heard in all schools, and those who dared challenge this policy were humiliated by having to wear a clog around their necks or kneel down on a ruler under a sign that read: ‘It is forbidden to spit on the ground and speak Breton’. That’s the reason why some older folks won’t transmit the language to their children: it brings trouble upon yourself. Nicolas de la Casiniere, Ecoles Diwan, la bosse du Breton) (Davidson 2011, 113) Speaking one’s native Breton tongue had so many negative repercussions that it was far easier to submit to the imposition of the French language, which greatly reduced the number of Breton speakers. The Basque language faced similar repression to Breton. Basque culture is one of great pride in a unique society whi ch differs from the French and Spanish cultures surrounding its locale.Their most apparent distinction is their language: The most obvious difference between the Basques and their neighbours in France and Spain is their extraordinary language which the Basques themselves call euskera or euskara depending on which dialect they speak. (Hooper 1986, 231) The most incredible feature of the Basque language is that, apart from individual words absorbed from French and Spanish, it displays no similarities with its neighbouring languages, nor any trace of romantic, or even Indo-European roots. There is thus an understandable pride in this exceptional language.A language of antiquity, Basque certainly has important ancient roots. Many Basques believe that their language was once spoken all over Europe. Some even state the whole world once spoke Basque. According to Davidson: One theory even has Adam and Eve speaking Basque. (Davidson 2011, 122) The enormous sense of pride in this regional la nguage did not prevent its decline at the hands of the French government. As in in Brittany, children were forced not to speak their native tongue at school, but instead to communicate in the langue de la Republique. Failure to do so would result in punishment. †¦ ] it is schooling in French that has largely accelerated the process of debasquisation. (Laroussi and Marcellesi 1993, 88) The situation for regional languages was dire. However, the linguistic state of affairs with regard to these minorities improved slightly with the introduction of the â€Å"Loi Deixonne† in 1951 which allowed for the teaching of regional languages and dialects in the classroom. Though it was a step in the right direction, the law was criticised for being only tolerant, but not accommodating in the promotion of these languages.Article 3 of the law states: Every teacher who so requests will be authorised to devote each week, one hour of activities to the teaching of elementary notions of read ing and writing in the local idiom and to the study of selected texts from the corresponding literature. This teaching is optional for the pupils. (article 3, Deixonne Law, cited in Grau 1987: 161) (Oakes 2001, 181) This law allowed for Breton and Basque as well as all other native languages and dialects of France to be taught in schools. Extra teaching hours of the languages could also be allocated outside the curriculum.The introduction of these languages into education slowly made allowances for non state-funded immersion schools to be set up in both regions: Diwan schools in Brittany and Ikastolas in Iparralde, the Basque region. In Brittany today, bilingual road signage can be seen. Due to the more important co-official status of Basque within the Spanish Basque country, Basque television, radio and newspapers are available. Though there is now a more sympathetic attitude towards the regions of France which had their original languages or dialects suppressed, the situation toda y is by no means ideal.Breton, Basque and other regional languages do not have official status, nor are they ever used by the authorities. Even though article 75-1 that was added to the French constitution in 2008 states that regional languages are part of the patrimony of the state, their legal status is inappropriate given their historic relevance. France remains one of the few countries not to have ratified the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. These languages still cower beneath the oppressive power of French and the apparent linguistic unity certainly does hide a little known linguistic diversity.In a country with the maxim of â€Å"Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite†, one is forced to wonder, as the language of the republic is French and French alone, where is this liberte and egalite in the suppression of the right to speak, learn and live one’s own language? Select Bibliography â€Å"Constitution de la Republique francaise† in Assemblee nati onal [http://www. assemblee-nationale. fr/connaissance/constitution. asp] (accessed 19th March 2012) Davidson J. P. 2011. Planet Word, London: Penguin Hagege C. 1996. Le francais, histoire d’un combat, Boulogne-Billancourt: Editions Michel HagegeHooper J. 1986. The New Spaniards, London: Penguin Judge A. 1993. â€Å"French: a planned language? † in Sanders C. (ed) 1993. French Today: Language in its Social Context, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Kinsella C. 2011. Senior Freshman Linguistics Class Notes, Dublin: Trinity College Dublin Laroussi F. , and Marcellesi J. B. 1993. â€Å"The other languages of France: towards a multilingual policy† in Sanders C. (ed) 1993. French Today: Language in its Social Context, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Lodge R. A. 1993.French: From Dialect to Standard, London and New York: Routledge Luxardo H. 2000. L'Abbe Gregoire  en guerre  contre les  Ã¢â‚¬Å"Patois†(1790-1794) [http://brezhoneg. gwalarn. org/is tor/gregoire. html] (accessed 19th March 2012) Oakes L. 2001, Language and national identity: comparing France and Sweden, Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins B. V. Rickard P. 1974. A History of the French Language, London: Hutchinson and Co Wartburg W. V. 1946. Evolution et structure de la langue francaise, Bale  : A. Francke S. A. Berne .

Saturday, September 28, 2019

PH Titration Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

PH Titration - Lab Report Example The paper describes the experiment. During titration, it is essential to figure out the ‘equivalence point’ where moles of acid and moles of base added become equivalent. To aid an experimenter in this situation, a halochromic organic compound known as ‘indicator’ (s.a. phenolphthalein, methyl red, methyl orange, and bromothymol blue) is incorporated where appearance of color change from clear solution signifies the ‘end point’ or the point assumed to be nearest the point of equivalence. At this stage, the volume of reading from the burette is noted down the instant the indicator changes color. With experimental outcomes comprising known molar concentrations and volumes of acid and base used, pH is calculated. In place of an indicator, glass electrode is utilized so that multiple pHs may be read and graphed from which to determine the pH at the equivalence point. For the neutralization reaction occurring between HCl (aq) and NaOH (aq): For the n eutralization reaction occurring between CH3COOH (aq) and NaOH (aq): Hypothesis: The equivalence point is achieved once the titration has gone to the extent when the acid (analyte) and the base (titrant) are in equimolar amounts which takes place on yielding a neutral pH along a steep region in the titration curve Aim: To locate the ‘equivalence point’ through the measure of pH based on the titrant volume vs. pH-titration curve obtained in the experiment and identify the remaining species (in excess) as well as find the pH of the resulting solution after each titration attempt Method: The burette was filled with 1.0 NaOH to the zero mark. A 250- conical flask was rinsed with distilled water, emptying the flask and refilling it with about 50 of deionised water, after which, a 25 of 0.1 HCl was poured into the flask via pipette and the flask was placed on the magnetic stirrer. With the stirrer bar dropped in the flask, the glass electrode was immersed in the flask then th e burette was positioned over the flask’s mouth such that the NaOH would be added into it without obstruction from the glass electrode. The magnetic stirrer was turned on and the flask was adjusted in the manner that would enable the stirrer bar to move freely, having no obstructive contact with the glass electrode throughout the titration process. Measuring of the pH prior to titration was initiated then successive additions of the base titrant were carried out starting with 1 until the equivalent point was arrived at, followed by 0.2-additions that sum up to approximately 8 of NaOH. Final addition of two consecutive 1- titrant amounts was made, taking into account the pH reading for each addition from the onset of titration to this point. Another trial (using the same analyte -- HCl) was performed, then titration was repeated, this time using a different analyte (0.1 CH3COOH) and applying the same quantity (50 ) of deionised water and of 1.0 NaOH. As conducted for HCl, pHs of neutralization reaction between HOAc (analyte) and the titrant (NaOH) were correspondingly read after each base addition. Results and calculations: Note: ( 1 cm3 ? 1 mL ; 1 mol / dm3 ? 1 M ) pH @ equivalence point is about 6.8 based on the graph. This corresponds to NaOH volume of about 5.5 mL. mmoles NaOH = (1.0 M) (9.00 mL) = 9.0 mmoles NaOH mmoles HCl = (0.1 M) (25.00 mL) = 2.5 mmoles HCl Upon neutralization, 9.00 mmoles - 2.5 mmoles = 6.5 mmoles NaOH left total volume = 50 + 25 + 9 = 84 mL [OH-] = = 0.07738 M ---? pOH = -log (0.07738) pOH = 1.11 so that pH = 14 - 1.11 ---? pH = 12.89 Since NaOH and HCl are strong base and strong acid, respectively, pH

Friday, September 27, 2019

Applying the Diagnostic Model to World Fuel Services Corp (INT) and Term Paper

Applying the Diagnostic Model to World Fuel Services Corp (INT) and AS-IS Process - Term Paper Example For example, if WFS has clients across the globe, WFS can have an online conference with their clients and would allow both of them to save money instead of traveling and meeting each other in person in order to close the deal. By doing this, they had extracted additional value from external customer’s transactions which is also one of WFS primary objectives as a company. WFS operate in various offices across the globe such as the United Arab Emirates, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany and etc. By adopting technology these offices can interact with each other in a faster and inexpensive way by exchanging emails and through the use of online chat. Rather than flying out of the country to interact with each other which would be very costly and time consuming. Also by adopting technology WFS can expand their market by launching websites, advertisements, and etc. through the web. Technology can ensure that the energy supply, marketing and proprietary activities do not expose the company to unacceptable or unforeseen cost increase through establishing a strong recording system of transactions in order for the company to have a basis on their future decisions which would help achieve WFS goals by looking at the company’s records and history. These records can be plotted in a form of spreadsheet so it can be easily updated and looked into when it is needed. By adopting technology WFS can also give easy updates to their clients in a form of email, fax, phone calls and etc. Being the largest independent marketer for aviation, marine and fuel products WFS should always continue to develop their means of trading in order for the company to grow and maintain success. In order for WFS to grow and maintain their success they also have to have a clear view on political factors that can or will affect their company. An example of this political factor is the government. The

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Design an Inclusion and Diversity Framework with an implementation Essay

Design an Inclusion and Diversity Framework with an implementation plan (for a large non-for profit organisation) - Essay Example are often viewed to remain much focus on managing diversity of the staff members and ensure to consistently work in identifying and effectively addressing systematic barriers embedded within varied policies and practices (Rice, 2005). EW is one of the large and foremost non-for- profit community based organisations, which mainly provides disability services to the individuals including families as well as children since last four decades in the region of Victoria located in Australia. The organisation was established in the year 1970 and is highly committed to ensure deliverance of community support services to a huge figure of individuals with disability by providing group homes along with community supports, respite and day services (E.W. Tipping Foundation, 2014). The objective of developing and implementing an effective diversity and inclusion framework in EW can be duly regarded as an effective approach intending to promote operational efficiency of the workforce while delivering community based services to the individuals with disabilities. The primary purpose of the framework is to ensure appropriate integration of diversity and inclusion into the workplace along with corporate functions and enable EW to improve its deliverance of community services to the respective individuals (Department of Health, 2011). The primary goals of the proposed diversity and inclusion framework have been characterised into few major aspects in response to improve operational and corporate practices of the workforce while delivering its diversified community based services. The primary goals of the proposed framework have been discussed as follows: By taking into concern the above discussed objectives of the proposed framework, the key target groups of EW can be apparently observed the youths suffering from any sort of disability and also the frail elderly people (Department of Health, 2011). The proposed diversity and inclusion framework ensures to meet obligations of EWTF

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Should Police Murderers Receive Whole-Life Jail Sentences Essay

Should Police Murderers Receive Whole-Life Jail Sentences - Essay Example The murder of a police officer is not just a normal crime considering that it is an impeachment of law enforcement institution. A police murderer is a threat not only to the society but also to the government in place in a state. A police officer has no exceptional life as that of a regular citizen. However, the punishment that should be imposed to a police murderer should be of higher legislation levels following the impact the murder of a police officer has to the face of citizens. Consequently, it is genuine for judges to impose a whole-life jail sentence to police murderers to send a clear signal for the criminals determined to evade the laws set in a state. Police officers have an important role in protecting citizens from criminals and law-breakers. Considerably, most of the police murder crimes happen because of the identity and role of the police officer in preventing criminal activities, which threatens the criminals’ life and their freedom to break law. The death of one police officer, especially by police murders, leaves a substantial number of citizens in the hands of criminals. This possess abundant problem to state security, which is protected by the police (Travis 2013).

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Operationalizing the Consumer Perception Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Operationalizing the Consumer Perception - Essay Example Health care is one setting in which the two perceptions of customers are applied. Because of the delicate nature of patients and the health care services, the approach that places the customer at the top of the pyramid is highly recommended. Through this approach, health care facilities such as hospitals are best positioned to budget and plan their operations based on the perceptions, satisfactions and overall outcomes of their clients (Cheung-Larivee, 2012). It is also of the essence that patients’ families’ perceptions are also accounted for, especially for patients not in a position to give their opinions or make choices. Moreover, the approach that places the customer at the top seems more effective because with close interactions with patients, care providers can deliver services in real time, thus satisfying their customers. Interactions between management and workers are also improved (Cheung-Larivee, 2012). Cheung-Larivee, K. (2012). â€Å"Hospitals Underestimate the Threat of HCAHPS Penalties.† Retrieved on January 9, 2015 from

Monday, September 23, 2019

Scoore Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Scoore - Essay Example Not only is soccer one of the world's most popular sports, but it is also one of the oldest, with a deep and rich history dating back thousands of years. It is not known where soccer originated from, but there is evidence that a version of the sport was played during the Roman and Greek eras and also during the Han dynasty in China. Despite being played in various forms around the globe, it is the English who are credited with forming the modern version of what we call soccer. In the early 1800s soccer was played at many English universities and schools under what were known as the Cambridge Rules. It was not until 1863 when the Football Association of England was formed and agreed on a set of rules by which to play the game. Through colonization, the British were able to spread the game of soccer to every corner of the earth. In 1904, FIFA was established to control the game on a worldwide level, as by that stage the sport was popular throughout much of Europe and South America. Twe nty-six years later the first FIFA World Cup was held in Uruguay. Since that time there has been a further 18 tournaments have been held, with the next one scheduled for 2014 in Brazil. In recent years the game of soccer has also caught onto a female audience. There are now many female soccer players who play professionally, particularly in the United States and England. Since 1991 there has been six FIFA Women's World Cups, with the next one to be held in Canada in 2015. Wayne Rooney is the soccer player that I most admire because of his skill on the pitch and style that he plays. He now plays for Manchester United in England, and he has played for more than 10 years with his national team. He is the most widely respected player on the England team, and all of his opponents recognize him as the danger man when they play against his team. Rooney first became famous back in 2002 when he was only 16 years old. In a match for his boyhood team Everton, he scored a late winner against a star studded Arsenal team. Since that time Rooney has been treated like a superstar by the media and fans. I must say that I am in awe of his ability to play soccer because he always plays with a determination on his face that I can only admire. However, Rooney is also a controversial player too because some people don't like his fierce personality. I must admit that there are times when he frustrates fans, such as when he tried to engineer a move away from Manchester United. What I do know is that he will very soon become the record goal scorer for both Manchester United and England, and if he achieves those feats then he will go down as one of the best British soccer players ever to have played the game. Although I do like Wayne Rooney as a soccer player, my favorite team would have to be Barcelona. The reason is that they play in a style that is aesthetically pleasing to the eye and it almost seems effortless when they play. Over the past few years they have dominated European so ccer, winning many league titles in Spain and also the Champions League in Europe a couple of times. This is in large part thanks to the genius that is Lionel Messi. He is widely recognized as the best soccer player on the planet, and it is hard to argue against this because he has been the FIFA World Player of the Year four years running. Apart from Messi there are many other great players on the Barcelona team, such as Xavi, Iniesta, and Neymar. The thing that I

Sunday, September 22, 2019

I do not have a topic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

I do not have a topic - Essay Example This created an issue among her contemporaries criticizing her use of the language in her writings (Women in History). Depicted and massively explored in her works was the culture of the African-Americans effectively portrayed with her much controversial use of the common African-American language. An example of the usage of the black language can be read in one of her books, â€Å"So when we looked at de picture and everybody got pointed out there wasn’t nobody left except a real dark little girl with long hair standing by Eleanor. Dat’s where Ah wuz s’posed to be, but Ah couldn’t recognize dat dark chile as me. So Ah ast, ‘where is me? Ah don’t see me. (Hurston 13)† These realistic depictions appropriately displayed the life and culture of the African-Americans during her time. The writing style she had developed celebrated the Black culture incorporating dances, songs, sayings and tales. Moreover, her writings bluntly focused on the slavery issue which was deliberately avoided by other Harlem Renaissance writers. Her part in the feminist literature was also noted when she invaded the male dominated literary scene during that period. Female characters are eminent in Zora’s works addressing feminist issues like the character Janie Crawford in her book â€Å"Their Eyes Were Watching God† (Hurston, Zora Neale Introduction). Some writers who have been influenced by Hurston’s works were Ralph Ellison, Toni Morrison, Gayle Jones, Alice Walker, and Toni Cade Bambara. These writers specifically take after Hurston’s writings dealing with racism and feminism issues. Contrary to the criticisms hurled at Hurston’s works during her era, Zora contributed not only to the black American literature but also to the feminist literature and racist literature. Furthermore, her written works served as valuable reference of oral cultures of the African Americans and revolutionizing a comprehensive

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Unemployment and Labor in the Republic of Moldova Essay Example for Free

Unemployment and Labor in the Republic of Moldova Essay There are a lot of problems created by the unemployment as poverty, migration, human traffic, and crime and shadow economy. Of course, unemployment is a permanent phenomenon in any economy, because frictional and structural unemployment exists every time and doesn’t make unemployment rate to be equal to zero, and in this essay I’d like to offer the analysis of the specific of unemployment and labour forces in Republic of Moldova. Firstly, I propose to analyze the unemployment rate, activity rate and employment rate. Secondly, to describe any characteristics of labour forces in my country. And after that to analyze data about the migrant workers, who work or looking for a job abroad. In general my goal is to demonstrate the evolution of unemployment and labor and to determine any problems, which the national economy met during the years after the Soviet Union. First of all I want to note that the definition of unemployment according to International Labor Organization (ILO) has been used in Republic of Moldova only from 1998, before that year the unemployment was equal to the number of official registries unemployed population. It makes impossible to compare the unemployment before 1998 and unemployment after this year. Table 1: Unemployment rate, Activity rate and Employment rate Source: National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova Trend line on the Graph 1 shows us that in general unemployment rate decreases, but at the same time activity rate (Graph 2) and employment rate (Graph 3) decreases too. It means that number of population, who are working in the national economy, was decreasing during the period from 1998 to 2010 years. Also it’s important to note that the number of economically active people has reduced from 1809 thousand people to 1235 thousand people and it’s 547 thousand people, it equal to 16% of average total population in that period of time and the number of people employed in the economy reduced from 1642 thousand people in 1998 to 1143 thousand people in 2010 and it’s 499 thousand people, but the total population has reduced on 89 thousand people. It means that the weight of economically active and employed population in the national economy in total population reduced. I think that the solution of that problem is an attraction of international investments or entering in the market of international companies which are able to organize modern management and improve the competitiveness of national goods and services. The RM has the positive experience of this kind of collaboration. For example „Draexlmaier Automotive† created 3000 of the new jobs in one of the free economic zones. Graph 1: Unemployment rate Source: National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova Graph 2: Activity rate Source: National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova Graph 3: Employment rate Source: National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova Graph 4: Employment population by occupations Source: National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova Graph 5: Employment population by areas of the economy Source: National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova The Graph 4 shows us that the weight of skilled agricultural and fishery workers reduced. Analyzing the Graph 5 it is possible to make a conclusion that the weight of people who work in agriculture area was reducing too in the last 13 years. Also it’s important to note that the weight of the people who work in Industry and Construction areas is not high, but the weight of people who work in Services area was increasing during last years. In my opinion this trend means that Moldavian commodities are not competitive. Another argument of this statement is that the weight of services in structure of GDP was increasing during last years as it is shown in Graph 6. Graph 6: Structure of GDP Source: National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova Another important characteristic of labor is the level of education. As it is possible to see in Graph 7 the weight of workers who has higher education was increasing from 11.9% to 23% or from 181 thousand people to 263 thousand people. I think it is positive trend, which shows the development of labor during last years. Graph 7: Employed population by the level of education Source: National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova In the end I’d like to demonstrate data about the migrant’s workers, economically active people who leave their own families in Moldova and go for looking for a job abroad. According to official data there are more than 300 thousand people from the RM, but according to another data there are one million of Moldavians workers in foreign countries. The main part of migrant workers from the RM prefers to work in the Russian Federation and Italy as it shown in the Table 2. Table 2: Population aged 15 years and over, working or looking for work abroad Source: National Bureau of Statistics of the Republic of Moldova Table 3: Cash transfers from migrant workers According to the balance of payments cash transfers from the migrant workers were more than $ 1 billion in 2008. Other data are shown in the Table 3. This money flow is the valuable injection in the national economy. One of the biggest problems is the reducing of the employed population on approximately one half of a million of people, just those who has found a job in the national economy in general works in services area, because Moldavian commodities aren’t competitive on foreign and sometimes domestic markets. Lots of people, who haven’t found a job which could satisfy their needs and wants, travel in foreign countries looking for a job, after that they make cash transfers which are very important injection in the national economy. In my opinion labor in the Republic of Moldova is developing, about it says that the weight of employed population who has higher education was increased, at the same time the fact that activity rate and employment rate were falling during last years and it may create dangerous effects on economy as a whole. The solution of this problem is to put efforts to attract foreign investments.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Observation Of Professional Social Work Practice

Observation Of Professional Social Work Practice Multidisciplinary working is work undertaken jointly by workers and professionals from different disciplines or occupations Pearson Thomas 2010:342 and it has evolved at varying speeds over the past 30 years or so in response to imperatives of central government. Mental health was among the first professions to adopt teams of workers from different professions. The community mental health team is widely regarded as the model for multi-disciplinary working. (Community Care, 2010). Relating this to social work the distinctive quality is demonstrating a holistic approach, by working with a range of situations, people and having an attribute for developing multi-disciplinary and partnerships,(Higham,2006:) c The crisis centre is run by a Local Council and NHS Trust based in a local community. Which corresponds with the 1975 White Paper Better Services for Mentally Ill, professions working together to provide a community based service. (Scie, 2010) The crisis centre provides beds for four adults suffering a mental health, social crisis, who have been referred to them by the Crisis Resolution Home Treatment Team, the service users for instance can be referred from in their home or accident and emergency. Next they complete an assessment inline with local authority guidelines and procedures, then produce a care plan and risk assessment. If they decide the service user is in crisis and cant return home, then they contact the crisis centre for a place with the goal of leaving the centre after the crisis, normally within two weeks. Once the service user is placed, there are numerous methods of contacts from the Crisis Resolution Home Treatment Team and social workers through emails, phone call s and visits. During this observation multidisciplinary working was witnessed between the crisis centre staff and the Crisis Resolution Home Treatment Team about a service user already in the centre through a phone call. The crisis resolution home treatment team seemed to be following the National Occupational Standards key roles section three, by supporting the individual, representing their needs, views and circumstances by acting as an advocate (Higham 2006: 98) as they were informing the crisis centre of what was happening. The crisis centre staff were asking questions in a way that was treating the service user as an individual by listening to their individual case, respecting and maintaining dignity by only asking questions relevant to the crisis centres needs and criteria. They also spoke clearly and discussed the dynamics of other service users (respecting confidentiality) already in the centre declaring any conflict or positive interactions that had arisen since their last visit (GSCC,201 0).These skills are fundamental to social work practice as they are valuing the individual and having a holistic approach. Furthermore, in the 1990s new labour recognised that problems cannot be addresses by people and organisations working in isolation. So the Department of Health 1998 introduced the white paper Modernising Social Services, which had multi-disciplinary working as a key objective. (Wilson, et, al, 2008:388). In 2000 No secrets actively promoted that multidisciplinary teams, empower and promote well-being of vulnerable adults, through the services they provide and the need to act in a way, which supports the rights of the individual to lead to independence. (Department of Health 2000) This was observed, by the service user, crisis centre and Crisis Resolution Home Treatment Team via staff communicating frequently throughout the day and providing an environment where service users can come and go freely, yet still have support, during their crisis, they were also encouraged to cook and clean for themselves .This was seen during the observation also in Tony Ryans (2010) evaluation of crisis centre and Crisis Resolution Home Treatment Team, asked service users what they valued best about their stay, their responses I was on the lowest rung of the ladder in terms of depression and self esteem. Now I can cook and iron. It has restored my get up and go. and It is given me a sense of life back and helped me to find myself. I couldnt have gone on any longer. Staff have taught me to cope better and manage my panic attacks. This demonstrates partnership working with the service user and multidisciplinary working. The White Paper Our health, our care, our say also emphasises the importance of people having more control over their lives and access to responsive, preventative services by working together in multidisciplinary teams. (Department of Health 2006). The crisis centre fulfils this. Throughout the day through discussions and observation it appeared that the crisis centre staff and Crisis Resolution Home Treatment Team encouraged emancipatory practice by involving the service user in their support which shows good practice also staff were not routinized as each day was different, they discussed how each individual was unique with a unique situation. If social workers become oppressed by working in routines this does not always benefit the service user, it is not good practice and is not fundamental to social work values. An example of this was observed when a member of the Crisis Resolution Home Treatment Team came to the crisis centre and completed a visit with a service user. During her visit to the crisis centre she was constantly contacted from her office through phone calls, one of which was a new service user needing to be assessed urgently, she had already one visit booked in after the crisis centre, but had to re -evaluate her cases as the new referral wa s seen to be more of a priority. She did this by speaking to her manager on the phone and re -arranging for another colleague to see her service user and then asked the office to let the service user know about this change. The above paragraph demonstrates multidisciplinary working and partnership working with the service users are fundamental and collaboration is needed for social work and the interpretation from the staff involved demonstrates good practice. To show the importance of partnership working with service users in the crisis centre Tony Ryan (2010) completed a service evaluation of the crisis centre and Crisis Resolution Home Treatment Team, they asked service users how they felt about staff. Service users responses Any questions or anything you are upset over, you can go and ask the staff and Staff are very supportive and help sort problems out. As social work is about working with people to help them to sort their problems out. Also each individual brings unique skills and experience into the working professional relationship. (Thompson. N. Thompson, S. 2008:24) So far this essay has demonstrated positive multidisciplinary working through observation at the crisis centre. However, in reality multidisciplinary working can be negative and can be totally dysfunctional. As when a group of diverse people with varied skills come together into a team, things dont always go smoothly. (Community Care, 2010) Cree, 2003:163 believes that multidisciplinary working can be positive but also frustrating, isolating and difficult. (Dalrymple Burke 2006:139) Wilson et al (2008) also agrees multi disciplinary working does not always work effectively and such failures have been documented in such finding of Victoria Climbie enquiry and baby Peter, lastly Thompson (2005) believes that multidisciplinary can do more harm than good and can make situations worse. During the course of the day it was bought to attention through a staff handover that one of the service users in the crisis centre had at first experienced a positive interaction of multidisciplinary practice, but sadly it turned into a negative experience. Conquesenlty, this seemed due to the breakdown of communication between multidisciplinary teams such as his social worker, Crisis Resolution Home Treatment Team, crisis centre staff and medical staff. According to Thompson (2009) without effective communication the notion of multidisciplinary becomes unobtainable. Staff at the crisis centre believed it was due to lack of budgets and lack of communication. During this handover reflective practice was witnessed, as, as a team they spoke about what, why and how things had gone wrong for the service user and how they could approach the situation to get the best outcome for the service user. The staff at the crisis centre spoke about how they valued supervision meetings as it gave them the chance to voice any concerns they had and also gave the manger chance to deal with any systematic practice that was leading the staff to become unfocused. (Thompson. N. Thompson, S. 2008). As supervision meetings demonstrate good practice and in social work codes of practice, developing ones self through development opportunities to strengthen skills and knowledge. This essay has demonstrated through observation that it is important to work with other professionals as one person cannot solve another persons problems and dilemmas alone (Thompson. N. Thompson, S. 2008:19) and that multidisciplinary working is a fact of live for social workers and many other professionals also, this essay showed a balance outlook on multidisciplinary working as it has positive and negative points.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Futility of the American Dream Exposed in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby :: Great Gatsby Essays

The ideal of the ‘American Dream’ has hardly changed over the past century. The dream is a unique American phenomenon. It represents a nebulous concept that is exemplified by a number of American values. Many deem wealth and success to be the means to this paradigm. When stability, security and family values also become part of the suburban lifestyle, the American Dream comes close to becoming reality. Nick Carraway, the candid narrator of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel, The Great Gatsby analyzes the legitimacy of this principle through the inevitable downfall of Jay Gatsby. The novel takes place during the ‘roaring twenties’ in two sophisticated, affluent Long Island neighborhoods. The people in these neighborhoods epitomize the superficiality and arrogance that distorts the American Dream. Fitzgerald utilizes this environment and its people to examine the negative attributes of the American Dream. Fitzgerald portrays two neighborhoods, East Egg and West Egg, to display the slowly evolving corruption of the American Dream. East Egg houses old money sophisticates, and West Egg accommodates the less fashionable â€Å"nouveau riche† types. The apparent differences cause the two neighborhoods to develop a seeming rivalry. The different neighborhoods are connected through the characters becoming entangled with each other. Both Carraway, and his wealthy, yet enigmatic neighbor, Jay Gatsby live in West Egg. Carraway lives in a modest bungalow, which is overshadowed by Gatsby’s extravagant estate. In his magnificent manor, Gatsby indulges in an excessive and exaggerated lifestyle including many lavish parties: â€Å"In his blue gardens men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars† (43). Gatsby considers his prodigious wealth and stature to be the means to regain his one true love, Daisy Buchanan. Daisy's aura of wealt h and privilege--her many clothes, her perfect house, her lack of fear or worry—attract Gatsby's attention and gradual obsession. Gatsby realizes that his own capacity for hope made Daisy seem ideal to him. He does not realize that he is pursuing an image that has no true, lasting value. This realization would have made the world look entirely different to Gatsby, like "a new world, material without being real, where poor ghosts, breathing dreams like air, drifted fortuitously about† (169). Daisy and her unfaithful husband Tom live in a large East Egg mansion directly across from Gatsby’s estate. In this environment, Gatsby’s destiny with Daisy becomes his individual version of the American Dream. Futility of the American Dream Exposed in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby :: Great Gatsby Essays The ideal of the ‘American Dream’ has hardly changed over the past century. The dream is a unique American phenomenon. It represents a nebulous concept that is exemplified by a number of American values. Many deem wealth and success to be the means to this paradigm. When stability, security and family values also become part of the suburban lifestyle, the American Dream comes close to becoming reality. Nick Carraway, the candid narrator of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel, The Great Gatsby analyzes the legitimacy of this principle through the inevitable downfall of Jay Gatsby. The novel takes place during the ‘roaring twenties’ in two sophisticated, affluent Long Island neighborhoods. The people in these neighborhoods epitomize the superficiality and arrogance that distorts the American Dream. Fitzgerald utilizes this environment and its people to examine the negative attributes of the American Dream. Fitzgerald portrays two neighborhoods, East Egg and West Egg, to display the slowly evolving corruption of the American Dream. East Egg houses old money sophisticates, and West Egg accommodates the less fashionable â€Å"nouveau riche† types. The apparent differences cause the two neighborhoods to develop a seeming rivalry. The different neighborhoods are connected through the characters becoming entangled with each other. Both Carraway, and his wealthy, yet enigmatic neighbor, Jay Gatsby live in West Egg. Carraway lives in a modest bungalow, which is overshadowed by Gatsby’s extravagant estate. In his magnificent manor, Gatsby indulges in an excessive and exaggerated lifestyle including many lavish parties: â€Å"In his blue gardens men and girls came and went like moths among the whisperings and the champagne and the stars† (43). Gatsby considers his prodigious wealth and stature to be the means to regain his one true love, Daisy Buchanan. Daisy's aura of wealt h and privilege--her many clothes, her perfect house, her lack of fear or worry—attract Gatsby's attention and gradual obsession. Gatsby realizes that his own capacity for hope made Daisy seem ideal to him. He does not realize that he is pursuing an image that has no true, lasting value. This realization would have made the world look entirely different to Gatsby, like "a new world, material without being real, where poor ghosts, breathing dreams like air, drifted fortuitously about† (169). Daisy and her unfaithful husband Tom live in a large East Egg mansion directly across from Gatsby’s estate. In this environment, Gatsby’s destiny with Daisy becomes his individual version of the American Dream.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Comparing Nathaniel Hawthorne :: essays papers

"Dr Heidegger's Experiment" An eccentric aging physician, Dr. Heidegger, calls together his old friends and contemporaries to test his waters of the "fountain of youth." As the doctor himself sits by to enjoy the show, each of his four aged friends eagerly quaffs more and more of the magic potion, each draught further carrying them backwards into their shared youth. Having grown young, smooth-skinned and agile again, the three men begin to fight for the favors of the fourth compatriot now restored to her former beauty. In the heat of the fracas, they begin to grow tired and within minutes the effect of the "waters" has worn away. The participants in the brief respite from old age are devastated by the transience of the experience. Despite Heidegger's warning that he has learned to appreciate the advantage of age by watching the four of them make themselves fools, they learned no such lesson and resolve to make a pilgrimage to Florida to seek the Fountain. "The Birthmark" A devoted scientist, in a brief step from his laboratory pursuits, marries a beautiful woman with a single physical flaw: a birthmark on her face. Aylmer becomes obsessed with the imperfection and needs to remove it, to be happy with his wife. The tale evolves around his progressive frenzy to use his scientific skills to render his bride perfect and the faith of his submissive wife that the union can survive only if he accomplishes his goal. The author tells us that Aylmer "had devoted himself, however, too unreservedly to scientific studies..." and, in the secrecy of his laboratory he prepares the potion for Georgiana that results in the disappearance of the birthmark and the death of Aylmer's experimental subject. Comparison "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment" and "The Birthmark" can be compared in many aspects. Nathaniel Hawthorne used many of the same writing techniques in both stories. Both pieces share two common reoccuring themes. Also, the symbols in the story have like meanings. In both "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment" and "The Birthmark", Hawthorne uses the same writing style. In both stories Nathaniel Hawthorne writes as a realist, as opposed to a romancer. In "Dr. Heidegger's Experiment" Hawthorne writes about an actual event in history, Ponce de Leon's search for the Fountain of Youth on the Florida Peninsula. It does not matter if the Fountain of Youth exists or not it is a "real" legend. "Dr Heidegger's Experiment" is a situation that could have taken place. It is not a fantasy. "The Birthmark" is also a piece that could have happened. A beautiful woman could certainly be born with a

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Early Learning Essay -- essays papers

Early Learning The purpose of this research paper is to investigate the issue of Preschool to determine if children who participate in structured preschool programs are more successful in kindergarten or first grade. There are a few types of preschool programs. First there are structured preschool programs that focus on emphasizing an actual school setting and classroom activities in order to prepare the child for kindergarten or first grade. There are also day care centers, which are not as structured as preschool centers. Daycare’s focus mainly on child’s development through social interaction with children and caregivers. Then there are head start programs that are geared to give children a foot in the right direction in order to be ready for preschool or kindergarten. The right kind of childcare can be a wonderful opportunity to promote the profound learning children experience from birth through age five (Selecting child care, 2002). When selecting childcare for your child the foundation of early learning has offered some tips that they believe will be helpful in the process. The foundation says that parents have always known that good early experience was important for their child. Now scientist and researchers are confirming how critical these first years of life are to your child’s healthy development (Selecting child care, 2002). Because the brain matures in the world rather than in the womb, the brain growth and development of infants and young children is deeply affected by their earliest experiences. In a childcare environment the relationship your child has with the caregiver will also affect how that child feels about himself and the world around him and as he grows up (Selecting child care, 2002). I ... ...s longitudinal studies. Bibliography Black, Jeffrey. (1991). School Readiness [Electronic version]. Retrieved April 27, 2003, from Codding, Karen. (n.d.). Test of Kindergarten and First Grade Readiness Skills. [Electronic version]. Retrieved April 20, 2003, from Anderson, Jeanne. (2002). Selecting Child Care. [Electronic version]. Retrieved April 21, 2003, from Zill, Nicholas. (1995). School Readiness and Children’s Development Status.Eric Digest. [Electronic version]. Retrieved April 21, 2003, from McKey, Al. (1985). School Readiness and Children’s Development Status.Eric Digest. [Electronic version]. Retrieved April 21, 2003, from

Monday, September 16, 2019

Proactive Strategies Essay

Proactive strategies are the strategies that are already in place to deal with behavioural problems. Proactive behaviour management is about sharing what strategies are with the children to make sure they know what’s expected of them. Reasons children behave as expected could be that they simply ‘know’ what is expected of them or they ‘know’ the consequences for not behaving appropriately. Praise is the best way of promoting a proactive behaviour management plan. We need to give lots of praise for positive behaviour and logical consequences for inappropriate behaviour. The best way to let children know what you expect of them is to remind them every day, tell them the rules of the setting, discuss choices with them and don’t forget to praise them when they are behaving appropriately. Proactive strategies include: Rule making and boundary setting Know how to undertake observations that identify events and triggers Know policies and procedures Celebrate and praise all children’s accomplishments Reactive Strategies Reactive strategies are how you deal with an incidence of inappropriate behaviour at the time it occurs. We respond to the child’s choice and implement a consequence for inappropriate behaviour. No matter how good our proactive strategies are we will at some time need to use a reactive strategy. Consequences that are reinforced to children on a daily basis as part of proactive strategies will be carried out in reactive strategies. If a child makes an inappropriate choice then we must redirect their behaviour. Reactive strategies include: Use knowledge to manage an incident of conflict Support children to achieve a positive resolution and agree ways to avoid conflict in the future. 2.2 My role in my setting includes some of the following to help identify the proactive and reactive strategies; Diversion strategy Negotiation – that de-escalates a situation, restore calms, resolves conflict and disputes. Mediation Physical and verbal intervention Challenging inappropriate behaviour Anti bullying strategies Practitioner’s knowledge of how to avoid escalating a situation Explaining the potential outcomes of children’s chosen actions. Time out or breather, calm down strategy Organising the environment Using non-confrontational language that avoids blaming – YOU did that Whole setting approach, room approach, indoor, outdoor approach. 2.3 The importance of identifying patterns of behaviour or triggers that result in challenging behaviour is that early warning signs can be spotted and acted upon before the behaviour happens or escalates. Some identifications of a precursor to challenging behaviour are tense muscles, pacing, sweating, facial expressions and increased rate of breathing. These can be difficult to spot in young children. A young person may exhibit changes in their ‘baseline’ behaviour or mood. Factors that can lead to mood changes are:- †¢ Lack of choice – ensure there are plenty of activities to choose from. †¢ Boredom through lack of environment – ensure a good, well set out environment. †¢ Limited communication and understanding – ensure you engage children in conversation. †¢ Over stimulation through noise and general disruption to routine – a calm environment is needed. †¢ Overcrowding – if too many children around one activity then redirect some to another activity. †¢ Antagonism, aggression or provocation by others – the child causing the disruption needs to be removed from the situation before it escalates. †¢ Frustration – a child may get frustrated if they can’t do a certain activity, adult intervention will diffuse this situation as the activity can be shown to the child. †¢ Physical illness – the child will need extra support if they are unwell. †¢ Emotional upset due to bereavement – the child will need extra support. 2.4 Challenging behaviour is a very individual thing, the causes and triggers differ according to each individual, as do the reactions and their degrees of severity. It is therefore important that when planning strategies for dealing with challenging behaviour we ensure that they are just as individual as the triggers. No two people will respond in the same way to established strategies. Rather than attempting a ‘one size fits all’ approach you are showing an ability to adapt and respond. This shows that you can identify and recognise each individual’s strengths, incorporate them into your planning and build on them. It tells the child or young person you are supporting that they have recognisable value and worth and that no matter how challenging their behaviour may be there is always something positive to build on 2.5 Children have an inborn desire to please people and gain approval, if they don’t get this through the acknowledgement of positive behaviour they are more likely to use negative or challenging behaviour. By reinforcing positive behaviour you are encouraging children to seek attention as a result of appropriate rather than inappropriate behaviour. Focusing on negative behaviour will only trigger your own frustrations and aggression causing you to exhibit exactly the behaviour you are striving to stop. By focusing on reinforcing positive behaviour you are therefore modelling the  kind of behaviour you feel is appropriate because you are calm, focused and feeling positive 2.6 If you use proactive strategies then you can stop the behaviour before it starts. Therefore the child feels calm and relaxed and everyone is happy. If reactive strategies are used then the behaviour has already happened and the child may be experiencing remorse, be ashamed, confused, humiliated about the incident/outburst. Whereas Proactive strategies identify triggers and early indicators that help to stop the behaviour before it starts, reactive strategies deal with the behaviour once it’s done. If house rules or boundaries aren’t known then the child won’t know what is expected from them.

The Lost Tools of Learning

Response to The Lost Tools of Learning Sayers believed the main problem with modern education is that children aren’t being taught to think. She believed that public education does not teach students how to understand relationships between subjects, nor does the public system teach students how to make sense of the information they learned. She was frustrated that adults cannot properly debate a question, write a lucid article in the newspaper or think for themselves when it comes to evaluating propaganda or advertising. Sayers was disheartened that students are learning everything except the art of learning itself.Her argument against our current education system reminds me of the saying, â€Å"Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish and he eats for life. † Instead of just teaching subjects we should be teaching thinking, arguing and how to express conclusions. If we teach students with a different approach which focuses on the art of how to learn something new and how to make connections among the subjects we learn, then we will be educated on a deeper level – not just having knowledge, but understanding and wisdom as well.The Trivium is Sayers answer to our problems with the current education system. The Trivium consist of three parts: Grammar, Dialectic and Rhetoric. These are not subjects studied individually, but methods of studying subjects. Grammar is the first part which involves learning the language and structure of a subject. Specifically, Sayers believed the Grammar stage should include observation and memorization of key concepts in Latin, Literature, History, Geography, Science and Math.For example, the grammar of History should include dates, events, anecdotes and personalities. Dialectic, or Logic is the next stage where a student learns how to use this language through analysis of the subjects. In this stage a student takes the knowledge from the grammar stage and begins to build a deeper understanding by reasoning and analyzing what he’s learned. Rhetoric is the third stage which involves being able to critique the subject – to speak and write intelligently and defend opinions and ideas about a certain topic or subject.In this stage students will put the things memorized from the Grammar stage into new context and the concepts they analyzed in the Dialectic stage will be synthesized with new insight and perspective. A student in the Rhetoric stage will be able to articulate his thoughts and opinions of a concept. Through the Trivium students are able to learn independently, analyze logically, think critically and communicate clearly. Each stage is a building block towards a deeper level of understanding. Integration of subjects is a key difference between classical education and instruction from the public education system.In the public education system, students are taught subjects in isolation. As they get older they are encouraged to specialize in one subject. B y learning through the stages of the Trivium, students are able to understand that subjects aren’t isolated, but that everything is interrelated. As they progress through the stages of the Trivium, they learn how to make connections among subjects and put things they have learned into context together. Integration of subjects also makes new learning easier. Students who have learned how to learn can easily master a new subject.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Being a member of a social group Essay

People become a member of a social group because of their very nature, that is, not to feel lonely, to feel secure, and to satisfy some needs such as social and self-esteem needs. Being part of a group has both positive and negative outcomes for an individual. Positive outcomes can be listed as enjoying group work, gaining new perspectives and making friends, and being more creative. On the other hand, there are some negative outcomes such as disagreements between the members of the group and losing time. One of the positive outcomes is enjoying group work. In a group work people perform their tasks quicker and in a more effective way. In a group, each person seems to be more capable. Working together provides a perfect information flow. People share their knowledge and skills with one another. By that way, people can feel themselves like a team because they are acting as a single body and are having responsibilities. Such kind of a group work provides each member with new perspectives which is a result of the exchange of ideas between group members. Therefore, they start to look from a different and a more brooder window. Involving in a social group provide opportunities for making friends. This is another positive aspect of social groups. People feel themselves better when they have more friends and worse when they do not. On this issue, (1991, p110) Goleman stated that patients who suffer from cancer and have no friends need more medical care than those who have friends. That proves the importance of the social groups in people’s lives. Only through this way they can become social and enjoy lives more. Besides its positive outcomes, being part of a group has some negative outcomes as well. These are disagreements between members and wasting the valuable time. Disagreements usually exist when individuals have conflicts with the ideas of others. They want to be free-riders which means acting as a single person and do not participate in or not contribute to the common work. That creates disagreements between group members. The group work can bring inefficiency. For instance, it can continue longer and can waste the time present. The disagreements between the members of the group can also cause losing time. To sum up, all it’s negative and positive outcomes considered, groups play an important role in our lives even though it cause conflicts between group members and losing time. A group is a good shelter that satisfies some of the basic needs of the people involved such as social and self-esteem needs. Further more it helps people to gain new perspectives, to be more creative, and to find new friends. Overall, a group is a social institute which combines various kinds of people who are different in mind, appearance, age and gender.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Exercise 10: Acid Base Balance

EXERCISE 10: Acid-Base Balance Student Name: ______________Student ID#: ______________ Student instructions: Follow the step-by-step instructions for this exercise found in your lab manual and record your answers in the spaces below. Submit this completed document by the assignment due date found in the Syllabus. Rename this document to include your first and last name prior to submitting, e. g. Exercise10_JohnSmith. oc. Please make sure that your answers are typed in RED. (You may delete these instructions before submission. ) Grading: True/False, Multiple-Choice, and Fill-in-the-blank type questions will be worth 1 point each whereas Short-answer type questions will be worth 2 points each. This lab will be worth a total of 45 points but will be converted to a percentage grade when registered in your â€Å"Gradebook†. ACTIVITY 1: Hyperventilation |Answers | |A substance that dissolves in water to release hydrogen (H+) ions is a(n) _______. |Acid | |Which of the following is n ot a regulatory mechanism for acid/base balance in the body? D – Digestive System | |the kidneys | | |the respiratory system | | |protein buffers | | |the digestive system | | |The maximum pH measured during hyperventilation was _______. |7. 58 | |The tidal volume (TV) when breathing at rest was about _____ ml. The TV with hyperventilation was |3 | |about _____ ml. |4. | |Describe the normal ranges for pH and PCO2 in the blood. |Min Pco2 – 40 Max Pco2 – 40 | | |Min pH – 7. 41 Max pH – 7. 41 | |Describe what happened to the pH and the carbon dioxide in the blood with hyperventilation. |Min Pco2 lowered to 25. 94 (well below normal) | | |Min pH stayed around normal at 7. | |Explain how returning to normal breathing after hyperventilation differed from hyperventilation |With straight hyperventilation the pH stayed within average and | |without returning to normal breathing. |the carbon dioxide lowered tremendously. With the | | |Hyperventilation then back to normal breathing the carbon | | |dioxide levels did not lower as much and the pH stayed around | | |the normal zone as well. | |Describe some possible causes of respiratory alkalosis. serious cardiac disorder | |ACTIVITY 2: Rebreathing | |In cases of acidosis, the pH of the blood is |C – Less than 7. 35 | |Between 7. 4 and 7. 55 | | |Between 7. 35 and 7. 45 | | |Less than 7. 35 | | |Greater than 7. 5 | | |In this lab simulation, the minimum pH during rebreathing was _______. |7. 24 | |If a person is â€Å"treated† in a hospital emergency department by breathing in and out of a paper |Rebreathing | |sack, this is a classic example of _________ to lower the blood pH. | | |Hypoventilation results in |C – An accumulation of CO2 in the blood | |lightheadedness. | | |numbness around the lips. Answer: _________ | | |an accumulation of CO2 in the blood. | | |a good treatment for respiratory acidosis. | | |Describe what happened to the pH and the PCO2 levels in the blood during rebreathing. |Min pH lowered to 7. 24 Max pH raised to 7. 42 | | |Min Pco2 stayed the same at 40 Max Pco2 raised to 53. 02 | |Describe several possible causes of respiratory acidosis. airway obstructions or inadequate ventilation, also possible | | |from over production of Pco2 | |Explain how the renal system can compensate for respiratory acidosis. |the renal system compensates by retaining hco3 and excreting | | |hydrogen ions | |ACTIVITY 3: Renal Responses to Respiratory Acidosis and Respiratory Alkalosis | |When carbon dioxide (CO2) mixes with water in the blood stream, carbonic acid is formed. This |Hydrogen | |carbonic acid can then dissociate into the _______ ion and the _______ ion. Bicarbonate | |When more CO2 is produced by the body than can be expired from the lungs, the pH of the blood mig ht|C – Decrease | |increase | | |stay normal | | |decrease | | |either stay in the normal range or decrease. | | |True or False: The renal system is able to fully compensate for acidosis or alkalosis. |True | |Describe what happened to the concentration of ions in the urine when the blood PCO2 was lowered. H Decreased | | |HCO3 Increased | |What condition was simulated when the blood PCO2 was lowered? |Alkalosis | |Describe what happened to the concentration of ions in the urine when the blood PCO2 was raised. |H Increased | | |HCO3 Decreased | |What condition was stimulated when the blood PCO2 was raised? Acidosis | |ACTIVITY 4: Respiratory Responses to Metabolic Acidosis and Metabolic Alkalosis | |The cellular gaseous waste product than can accumulate in the blood stream is ______ ______. |Carbon Dioxide | |In this lab simulation, when the metabolic rate was increased to 80 kcal/hour, the pH of the blood |C – 7. 25; 63 | |lowered to ______ because of an accumulation of _______ [H+] in the blood. | | |7. 2; 45 | | |7. 30; 42 | | |7. 25; 63 | | |7. 09; 92 | | |When the metabolism was decreased, the number of breaths/minute _________ (increased, decreased, or|Decreased | |remained the same). | |True or False: In a hospital, the treatments for respiratory acidosis and metabolic acidosis are |False | |usually the same because these conditions are so similar. | | |Describe what happened to the blood pH when the metabolic rate was increased to 80 kcal/hr. What |The blood pH decreased to 7. 26, BPM increased tremendously, PCo2| |body system was compensating? |and also H increased as well. The HCO3 decreased. | |List and describe some possible causes of metabolic acidosis, i. e. how the acidosis is caused. Keto Acidosis – A buildup of keto acids that result from | | |diabetes mellitus | | |Salicylate Poisoning – a toxic condition resulting from | | |ingestion of too much aspirin or oil of wintergreen, alcohol, or| | |strenuous exercise. | |Describe what happened to the blood pH when the metabolic rate was decreased to 20 kcal/hr. | | |What body system was compensating? | | |List and describe some possible causes of metabolic alkalosis, i. e. how the alkalosis is caused. |Ingestion of alkali, vomiting, constipation |

Friday, September 13, 2019

Prosecution and Offense Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Prosecution and Offense Issues - Essay Example The prosecutor must go beyond at this point since most police often stop at the point of probable cause. In other words, the prosecutor must be diligent enough to find other corroborating witnesses and employ the help of forensic experts in gathering more crime scene evidence to make the case airtight towards a final conviction. Discussion Other necessary legal prosecution preparations include discussing the merits of the case with the witness/es and also try going over the case of the defense so that all involved in the case has a good overview of what might happen and how to counter the arguments of the defense side and then present counter-arguments; witnesses should be adequately prepared by their offense lawyer on possible questions to be asked by the defense lawyer during their cross-examination. All these required work is collectively termed as witness preparation (Ahmed, 2009, p. 25). The good prosecution lawyers are prepared for anything and do not allow themselves to be cau ght in off-guard situations, such as the presentation of a surprise witness or evidence by the defense. An example would be prosecuting a case for homicide. The prosecuting attorney must be certain about a few things, such as the identification of the suspect, the motive, the opportunity to commit the crime and all the additional evidence that will establish the presence of the suspect at the time and location of the crime scene when the crime was committed.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Management environment of Kuwait Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Management environment of Kuwait - Assignment Example This paper illustrates that management environment is how the management programs of an organization are organized in a systematic and comprehensive manner. It includes the structure of the organization, the resources, and the planning for developing, implementation and maintenance of a better maintenance policy for the well-being of the organization in question. The management environment is aimed at ensuring a smooth running of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling in the organization. It is upon the management to see to it that the organization reaches its goals and objectives, to ensure that it maintains a competitive advantage. It is important for organizations to join collaborations and keep good relationships with other countries. Most of the organizations in Kuwait are complex and it is for the managers to manage and reduce complexity to structure organizations. It is an acronym for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The strengths and weaknesses are i nternal factors while opportunities and threats are external factors. It is an important tool to audit and analyze the strategic position of the business and its overall environment. It is aimed at identifying the best strategies capable of aligning the organizational resources and capabilities to the environmental requirements of the firm’s operation. It is aimed at evaluating the internal potential and limitations and the probable opportunities and threats that originate from the external environment. It is able to view all the positive and the negative factors both inside and outside the firm that affects the success of the organization. Studying the environment is capable of forecasting the changing trends and helps in the decision making of the organization. It is a concept that is evident in the marketing principles. It enables companies to enable the tracking of the environment in which they are operating in or are planning to venture in. It is an acronym for political , economic, social, technological, legal and environmental factors often use it. It ensures that the business environment is viewed from various angles that one needs to keep track while contemplating on the idea or plan in question. It is crucial for an industry since it defines what the company should do and accounts for the goals and strategies of the organization.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Last Healthcare statistics using Excel Project Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Last Healthcare using Excel - Statistics Project Example The law of diminishing marginal utility refers to the state that when an individual increases the consumption of a commodity and at the same time keeping the consumption of other products constant, there is a decrease in the in the marginal utility that the individual originates from consuming each extra unit of that commodity (Zubair & Habibah, 2011). The consumer surplus refers to the economic measure of a consumer satisfaction that is calculated by evaluating the difference between what the consumers are ready and able to pay for a good or service virtual to its market price (Zubair & Habibah, 2011). The case of a consumer surplus will probably occur when the consumer is ready and able to pay more for a given product or service than the current market price. The producer surplus refers to the economic measure of the difference between the value that a producer of a commodity receives and the least amount that the individual would be willing and able to accept for the commodity (Zubair & Habibah, 2011). Therefore, the surplus or difference is the benefit that the producer receives for selling the commodity in the market. When the number of producers increase in a market, the supply will automatically decline due to the excess suppliers who are will and able to supply goods and services. The price of supply will also fall. Advancement in technology will create a rise in supply because relevant information on where to supply next will be easy to know. An increase in technology leads to an increase in supply. This is a non-price

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Mark Mazower's After the War was Over Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Mark Mazower's After the War was Over - Essay Example rience of its brief life as a nation-state’{p.21}) to restore justice and prosecute collaborators were undone by the resurrection of the anticommunist right wing faction. Eleni Haidia’s essay â€Å"The Punishment of Collaborators in Northern Greece, 1945-1946† (Chapter 2 of the book) is a composition of studies of trials of collaborators in Thessaloniki. It explores how at first there was widespread determination to mete out strong punishment, a determination that eventually broke down and vanished after encountering malignancies such as improper administration practices, corruption, lack of funding and the new, sudden and unforeseen political crisis that resulted after the civil war. Procopis Papastratis’ essay â€Å"Purging the University after Liberation† (Chapter 3 of the volume) explores the efforts carried out with the aim of cleansing Athens University of those persons who had collaborated with the Germans and the pre-war Metaxas regime. The University used academic and political tactics to successfully repulse the threat of purging it; in the process, ironically, the University also succeeded in expelling several of its professors who supported the EAM (National Liberation Front). Susanne-Sophia Spiliotis’ essay â€Å"An Affair of Politics, Not Justice: The Merten Trial (1957-1959) and Greek-German Relations† (Chapter 14 of the book) reveals how Max Merten, a Nazi official mainly responsible for the deportation of Thessaloniki’s Jews, escaped justice. She highlights this trial to show that not only collaborators, but even German war criminals escaped Greek justice, an evasion made possible by the late 1950s â€Å"mutual interest† move by the Greek and West German governments to turn a blind eye to past wartime events, and look ahead with a view to boost mutual political and economic relations. Polymeris Voglis’ essay â€Å"Between Negation and Self-Negation: Political Prisoners in Greece, 1945-1950† (Chapter 4 of the volume) is a valuable study

Monday, September 9, 2019

Adolf Hitler and world war 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Adolf Hitler and world war 2 - Essay Example nticipated to coup the republican government in a â€Å"beer-hall putsch.† The Leading Bavarian officials, the discontented nationalists, surrounded at a meeting during a Munich beer hall held by Nazi militia or the storm troopers. The nationalists had loyalty to the revolution of Hitler. After regaining his freedom, they used the army (Reichswehr) in defeating the coup. That led to the fleeing of Hitler. Later, arrested and imprisoned for five year in Landsberg fortress where he served nine months (Rice 46). The putsch was significant to the growth of Hitler as it made him known throughout Germany. He dictated his ambitions to Rudolf Hess on the turgid struggle while still at the prison. His sentiments were full of worship of power, the anti-Sematic outpourings, and the strategy for the world domination and the disdain for the civil morality. It, therefore, became the bible for the National Socialism. In 1929, under the leadership of Hitler and Gregor Strasser, the party gained popularity during the economic depression, bringing in mass support (Rice 76). The Germans were tired of the reparations payments to the World War I victors. Threatened by the hyperinflation, possible Communist takeover, and political chaos, Hitler offered the solutions and the scapegoat. To the economic depression, he promised to despoil the â€Å"Jew financiers.† To the workers, he promised security. As a result, he received the financial support from the bankers and the industrialists with the anti-Communism and in promising to control the trade unionism (Rice 77). Therefore, Hitler had a sinister and a keen insight into issues to do with mass psychology. He was the master of maneuver and intrigue. After getting the citizenship of Germany through the Brunswick state, he ran for the presidency during the 1932 elections. He loses to the prevalent war protagonist Paul von Hindenburg. He received a major part of his votes from the protestant followers, approximately 18.3%

Sunday, September 8, 2019

AIDS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

AIDS - Essay Example This disease has been marked as the second most frequent pathological condition across the globe which has highlighted the fact that this condition is not restricted to a particular region but follows a global pattern. It has been labeled as the first most common cause of death in Africa where it has been reported to lead to more than 20 percent of the deaths in this particular region. Following the identification of the disease, it has been known to result in greater than 20 million deaths across the world. International health organizations have noted the severity of the issue and the World Health Organization put forward the fact that 39.4 million people had AIDS or they had a present infection with human immunodeficiency virus in the year 2004 (Davidson et al 2009). The region of Africa has the highest number of people with this disease and 70 percent of the total AIDS patients belong to this region. The United States of America also has a large number of people suffering from th e disease and in the year 2002, it was analyzed that 900,000 residents of the country had the disease. The disease serves as a grave problem in the country as it has been analyzed to be the second life taking reason amongst the males of the age group of 25 to 44 years in the country. Young children are also not spared and in the year 2002, it was found out that 800,000 more children were affected with this pathology which may result due to passing of the virus from the mother to the child during birth or via breast feeding from infected mothers (Robbins et al 2005). Thus it can be seen that a very large number of people are affected with this condition but many people avoid presenting their problems owing to the stigma associated with this condition. Thesis: AIDS is a global problem which affects a large number of people and these people should be helped and societies should be created to assist these individuals. The stigma associated with this condition is unjustified as the patie nts suffering from AIDS are like other patients who require help and assistance to overcome their condition. Support: Jonathon Mann who was the director of the Global AIDS Program of the World Health Organization for this syndrome in the year 1987 already created insight into the stigmatizing aspect of AIDS. He explained that overcoming the social response associated with AIDS was extremely important in tackling the issue of AIDS across the world. This problem associated with the condition of AIDS was again highlighted in the year 2000 by Peter Piot who was the executive director of UNAIDS. The stigma and the way the patients are treated negatively further increases the suffering of the people who have AIDS. These patients avoid coming forward owing to the fact that they might be labeled in a negative manner (Parker 2002). It has been analyzed that the morals of the people who suffer from AIDS are questioned. An incident of a gynecologist who was suffering from AIDS is a very good e xample of this stigma. The doctor was widely publicized in the media and was criticized for risking the health of the patients who might be affected with the disease. A major stigma associated

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Purchasing And Supply Chain Management Case Study

Purchasing And Supply Chain Management - Case Study Example The first level is the need/problem recognition or identification level. This is the primary stage where an individual buyer recognizes the need or problem. After an individual realizes a need or problem then only he/she starts searching for the solution/product. The second stage is to determine alternatives or to gather information about the product or solution. Thus, after completion of searching the alternatives, next comes the assessment stage. In this step, the various alternatives are assessed carefully in order to reduce risk and maximize profitability. Subsequently, the decision making part takes place which means whether to purchase a particular product or not. This can occur only when the individual is evidently convinced about the benefits of the product. Finally, appears the post-purchase evaluation stage. This is the last stage which deals with the satisfaction level of the customer after purchasing the product. Moreover, the process of purchasing also includes certain o ther facts into consideration. The requirement of the total cost is one of the essential components which need to be accessed before purchasing. Furthermore, the selection of a supplier is also evident, prior to buying as well as to search for other alternatives in order to acquire the product at a reduced cost (Weele, 2009). Conclusively, it can be stated that the decision of purchasing a product needs a cautious review of various aspects associated with it. According to the case study, it can be stated that Dr. Spiller is surely escaping normal purchasing procedures. As he is the head of the radiology department, so he tries to circumvent the general procedure of asking the purchasing manager before finalizing the deal for purchase.

Argument Essay Essay Example for Free

Argument Essay Essay As students we all have been challenged to do our best. Throughout our lives we have been labeled with our grades; in high school, the ones with low grades were left alone in misery, while the ones with higher grades were praised as the leaders of this horse race. Then, the question that comes into mind is: is it right to categorize students, does grading contribute to educationa? It is assumed and stated in the philosophy of the current educational system that grading encourages learning and without it students would not study. That is far from being true and also expresses another flaw of our education system. The system is based on fear: the basic motive for students to study is fear of low grades. Furthermore, because the grades are the main criteria for passing courses, students do not study: they just develop methods of cheating. Thus, without learning the subject, they keep passing. Since grades received in exams are more important than learning the subject matter, all students have to do to pass their courses is memorize how a specific problem is solved. Without knowing why such a method is used, students cannot apply their ability to solve the problem to daily life. However, they pass exams without learning why, how or what of the matter. Another disadvantage of grading is that grades of a student are not updated. That means the grades of a student for the first year of school will still be valid in the last year, whether his knowledge about the subject has improved or deteriorated. Considering all the factors that affect a student’s exams and marks, even a small incident may have a great impact in the long run. Apart from these problems, which can be virtually solved by optimizing and improving the grading system, the most important defect of the system cannot be repaired without changing the whole system. The grading system causes inequalities, superior-inferior relations, classifications and even conflicts. It may be maintained that societies of the modern world are structured on these basic principles, but the fact that something exists does not justify it. Moreover, the people grown up in such an education system will not be able to see the other side of the walls, or will be afraid even to take a glimpse. To sum up, grading students is not a good practice and should be abolished. It is clear that education, especially education during childhood, has a great effect on one’s life. And if you bring the children up in conditions of conflict and competition, they will look for conflicts in the future too.

Friday, September 6, 2019

Barilla Spa A Essay Example for Free

Barilla Spa A Essay Barilla SpA, an Italian pasta manufacturer is experiencing problems in manufacturing and distribution systems caused by fluctuations in demand. To eliminate these difficulties Giorgio Maggiali, the Chief of Barilla’s Logistics Department, has been trying to implement the Just-In-Time-Distribution, further referred as JITD, system proposed by his predecessor Brando Vitali. JITD can be called a remake of popular â€Å"Just-In-Time† manufacturing concept. Although Maggiali has been trying to convince his consumers that the JITD would definitely work, he has not made much progress. The program was met with significant resistance by the distributors and Barilla’s own Sales and Marketing organizations. Now Maggiali is looking for possible solutions of the problem. In the following analysis we will provide recommendations, which will help Barilla to successfully implement the JITD system and thus decrease its costs, increase efficiencies and its profits. Introduction Barilla SpA was founded in 1975 by Pietro Barilla. From a small shop in Palma, Italy, it became a large, vertically integrated corporation with mills, plants and factories located throughout the Italy. Barilla’s success highly depended on its’ quality of product and innovative marketing programs, which created strong brand name. The company was sold to Grace Inc. in 1971, because the building of a huge plant in Perdignano drove the owners â€Å"deeply into debt†. Grace brought additional capital investment and professional manag Barilla SpA Case Study The biggest challenge facing Giorgio Maggiali and Barilla SpA is the mounting burden that fluctuations of demand have placed on Barillas’ manufacturing and distribution methods, and whether or not to implement a Just-in-Time Distribution (JITD) system for their distributers. The implementation of Just in Time Distribution would allow for a more efficient process for getting the products to the end user when and where they are needed. Solution #1: To implement Just in Time Distribution. For this to succeed, Mr. Maggiali as the director of logistics for Barilla will need to be personally and intimately involved and partner with Mr. DiMaria who is in charge of sales for Barilla and to obtain the support from their own sales reps. Barilla will need to pull the sales reps in for training on how implementing JITD would benefit their accounts, Barilla SpA and themselves. The sales reps will need to â€Å"sell† their customers on this idea and to shift the mentality of their distributers away from â€Å"this is the way we have always done it† and for them to be amiable to exploring new and more efficient ways to replenish their stock. Pro: Barilla would more easily be able to control their manufacturing process and greatly reduce production overruns and stock outs thus enable to pass cost savings onto their distributors. Con: Resistance from the distributors to change may continue. Their distributer may ask â€Å"why is that a concern of mine? † I just want the product I want when I want it. Con: Will incur costs to purchase or develop software needed to gather and correlate sales information. Pro: The initial cost for software development will be offset by savings in lost sales opportunity, reductions in buybacks and an overall increase in productivity and sales. Barilla already has much of the needed data pertaining to sales to the distributers. Con: Customers may be resistant to providing their sales and customer base data to Barilla. Pro: Barilla Sp Company Overview Barilla Spa is a large vertically integrated family owned largest pasta producer in Italy. Its operations are divided into seven divisions: three Pasta divisions, the bakery products division, the Fresh Bread division, the Catering division and the International division. Barilla products were sold through three types of retail outlet: small independent grocers, supermarket chains, and independent supermarkets. Products were sold through CDCs and through intermediate distribution channels. Fresh products were sold through a network of brokers. Inventory levels in the supply were high with larger levels of stock held for dry pasta since its shelf life was high as compared to wet pasta. Barilla enjoyed a strong brand image in Italy. Its marketing and sales strategy was based upon a combination of advertising and promotions. Also distributors can buy as much product as they want to for meeting their demand at the discount offered by the company. Barilla produced two major kinds of products:- a) Dry Products- These include dry pasta, cookies, biscuits, flour, bread sticks and dry toasts. These make 75% of the Barilla sales. They had long shelf lives of 18-24 months or medium shelf lives of 10-12 weeks depending on the product type. b) Fresh products- These include fresh pasta products with 21 day shelf life and bread with 1 day shelf life. Issues Faced The company was suffering from the following problems: 1. Variability in demand- This lead to operational inefficiencies on the part of the company. 2. Inventory Management- The company produced over 800 SKUs, most of which had long or medium shelf lives, thus could be easily stored up at the company warehouse or with the distributors. During periods of low demand, high inventory holding costs had to be incurred. 3. Stock outs- This was one of the major problems which Barilla faced. Many of the distributors were not able to cater to the demands of the retailers during times of high demand. This time B Thoughts on Supply Chain Management The JITD program was supposed to tackle the uneven distribution workload Barilla encountered with its distributors. In order to achieve this, better demand forecast was needed with the support of the distributors. Benefits of the program are below. Barilla’s own logistics organization would be allowed to specify the appropriate delivery quantities that would more effectively meet the end consumer’s needs It would also allow Barilla to distribute the workload on manufacturing and logistics systems more evenly Drawbacks of the program are below. Higher investment costs such as training Since JITD is a new concept, and has not tried out before, there is a risk that serious errors may occur during the implementation process, and this would ruin all previous efforts The value chain consists of five major components, and it can be represented as SIPOC, where S is Supplier, I Input, P Production, O Output and C Customer. Between C and P, there are also the distributors, wholesalers and retailers. It is almost impossible to develop an accurate sales forecast because the market is constantly changing. Factors affecting the market situation are also changing. Without an accurate sales forecast, it is difficult to achieve JIT. This is basically a paradox. No enterprise is able to develop an accurate sales forecast, and without an accurate sales forecast, it is not possible to achieve JIT. Is there really no way out? How about Dell? Dell basically builds computers on a BTO (build-to-order) basis, and this makes JIT possible. But how many enterprises can really deliver products on a BTO basis? What are the requirements to produce on a BTO basis? Barilla definitely was not one of them. Communication here is the critical success factor. The supplier, in this case, Barilla, has to collect information from the distributor, and the distributor has to be able to collect information from the wholesaler, and then the wholesaler has to d